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  1. Sarkus

    Anyone want to Guess

    Me too. The term "viaduct" as a train bridge is not commonly used anymore, at least in the US.
  2. Sarkus

    Anyone want to Guess

    So did they use two different viaducts for those two episodes? It certainly appears they are on top of a viaduct for the scene in the first Wild Blue Yonder episode, as RickAns noted.
  3. Sarkus

    Thoughts on the later years of LOTSW (long)

    This has been discussed before, but its only been since the final DVD's were released last year that I've had a chance to see the later years multiple times. And I've developed some ideas about what I think happened and why. In a nutshell, the show deviated from the formula that had worked so...
  4. Sarkus

    AVIA Sign

    Speaking of the bookshop, I noticed in watching “A Tale of Two Sweaters” that they didnt use the Avia sign or block the bookshop windows to make them look like doors. At least for that episode you can see it’s a retail shop.
  5. Sarkus

    Was "A Musical Passing for a Miserable Muscroft" written for Wesley originally?

    So this is the 2002 Christmas special that was obviously not meant to be the first episode that aired from that series. That's pretty clear because of the involvement of Entwhistle, who isn't actually introduced until the second episode of the following series. Likely another case of the BBC...
  6. Sarkus

    Howards cat.

    Good point. I'd forgotten about Pablo. And now that you mention it, I think Smiler having a cat and a goldfish are both mentioned once.
  7. Sarkus

    Howards cat.

    There is an episode that opens with Howard petting a black cat and asking Pearl if she's ever thought about getting a pet. Her response is that she already has Howard. The "Mitzi" episode is the only time we are told they have a cat as far as I know. In fact, I've always thought it a bit...
  8. Sarkus

    Happy Birthday, Juliet Kaplan!

    It's time for a new pair of glasses!
  9. Sarkus

    AVIA Sign

    The building that has Nora and Compos houses at one end has shops at the other. It's not uncommon in smaller towns for that to be the case, even in the US.
  10. Sarkus

    Extra! Extra!

    That's true, but it does have a Norman Wisdom appearance and Alan Bells only cameo. Plus, I do like the Compo musical number.
  11. Sarkus

    Extra! Extra!

    It's been on YouTube in the past but it's not one of the LOTSW episodes on there at the moment. I'd imagine it will show up again, though.
  12. Sarkus

    Filming Sites/Locations

    That's what I think as well. It looks like Foggys house as seen in "Walking Stiff Can Make You Famous" when he comes out in his bicycle polo outfit.
  13. Sarkus

    Actors who played multiple characters over the years

    Thanks! That's a useful link. I noticed a few more I hadn't realized. For example, Bree Martin. She was Trudy in "Tarzan of the Towpath, Marina's co-worker who gets Howard's note by accident. She then appeared as Astrid in "The Mystical Squeak of Howard's Bicycle" as Glenda's friend who...
  14. Sarkus

    Is that a Roy Clarke cameo in Mending Stuart's Leg?

    Ive been wondering this for some time. Early in the episode Sid is outside the cafe and Ivy is throwing plates out the door at him. As Sid is sweeping them up a man comes by pushing a bike and greets him. Even though it's a speaking part no credit is listed for it and I've always thought the...
  15. Sarkus

    Greetings & Salutations, this time from OZ!

    Those are great photos Brian, thanks for sharing. And you might as well post anything else you have as well! ;-)
  16. Sarkus

    Anyone Else noticed this

    There are lots of continuity issues if you pay attention. One of my favorites is in "The Flag and its Snags," where Clegg and Compo are trying to catch the mules. The stunt double for Clegg crashes to the ground and his cap flies off, but in the cut to Clegg he's still wearing his cap...
  17. Sarkus

    Phantom of the Graveyard

    In his book Bell says they had filmed inside the real cafe once before, in "Getting Sam Home."
  18. Sarkus

    Actors who played multiple characters over the years

    We discussed this at least once in the past but I keep finding new, unexpected examples. Some of the better known examples are: - Maggie Ollrenshaw. Played the Commodore's girlfriend in "The Flag and Further Snags," and then played Ethel in both "The Love Mobile" and "All that Glitters is not...
  19. Sarkus

    Need assistance with Final Season (gift for Ken Kitson!)

    IMDB says he appeared 88 times so it will be interesting to see if your total differs.
  20. Sarkus

    Peter Sallis R.I.P.

    96 years is a great run. I'm not going to be sad, I'm going to be happy for his great life and all the joy he's given me with his choice to be an actor.