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  1. ferret

    Euro 2024

    Yes it was the same with me at United in the Stratford end. We also had the added complication of the different areas in the same terrace chanting for their section. The left side, the right side and the tunnel. We had to remember where we were as we tended to drift about every home depending on...
  2. ferret

    On this very day....

    Wow, 25 years!!!! It seems so recent.
  3. ferret

    Euro 2024

    Don’t forget the half ‘n’ half ski hats in the eighties !
  4. ferret

    Euro 2024

    There’s a couple of lads at work who are heading to Germany tomorrow to watch the final £££. Moody Blue did you see these local lads from Macclesfield while you were there?
  5. ferret

    New balls please

    It’s next to snooker as one of my most detested sports to watch I’m afraid to say. I’ve not played it since about 1978 and that was at school. We used to have a yearly tennis competition that I entered twice and both times I got thrashed by the future footballer Lee Dixon who was in the year...
  6. ferret

    R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

    I think it was his second film..Dr Terrors House Of Horror along with Christopher Lee, Alan Freeman, Kenny Lynch and Roy Castle.
  7. ferret

    Every* British TV Sitcom: Trivia Question1

    Just to go off on a tangent. I always loved the line in Porridge when they asked if Dylan the hippy was named after Bob. The reply was no , the rabbit in the Magic Roundabout :)
  8. ferret

    Every* British TV Sitcom: Trivia Question1

    I think I would have been watching Ivor The Engine or The Herbs when it was originally on.
  9. ferret

    Every* British TV Sitcom: Trivia Question1

    I watched an episode of a sitcom I had never seen or heard before on Talking Pictures tv the other night, Not In Front Of The Children with Wendy Craig.
  10. ferret

    Euro 2024

    Yes, great game between Turkey and Georgia earlier.
  11. ferret

    classic films

    Coming to TPTV next month.
  12. ferret

    How Much!!!

    The same as a scollop, big sliced battered spud.
  13. ferret

    The music thread

    Great performance. The Beastie Boys did a great version of it with Elvis too.
  14. ferret

    Onslow's car backfiring.

    You can’t beat a good backfire, my old campervan occasionally likes to let one go! As well as my current scooter I’ve always been fond of old 2 stroke mopeds and have had a few. I was out on my little Tomos and all of a sudden a crack developed in the carb’ housing as I was sat at a junction. It...
  15. ferret

    The Big Steam Adventure

    The second series is now being shown. All good fun with Peter Davison, John Sergeant and Paul Middleton.
  16. ferret

    May 10-12 Holmfirth Folk.
  17. ferret

    A little time out.

    Condolences to you and your family/ friends.
  18. ferret

    Pasty land 2024

    I always remember Rick Stein making a lovely Stargazy pie on one of his shows .