Can you believe that a big loony Scouse Docker is actually vegan !!!????...well I am !!.
Been a vegetarian for over 40 years !!!..been a vegan for 10 !!!!....but...there is so much stuff you can buy that [apparently] tastes like meat....because in the bad old days it was pasta,potatoes,veg and...
Now I have been thinking [dangerous I know !!!]......
Was the aforementioned metal detector Cleggy bought from [he'll sell owt will Dougy"...quote from Sid] THE SAME metal detector that Foggy hired to dig for Captain Clutterbuck's treasure from Auntie's ??????.....if so this opens up a new can...
There are people where I live [not exactly Chelsea !!!] that leave their dekkies up ALL YEAR......they just sit there...attached to the outside of the house...... power off........looking all miserable during the summer mid November's the switch on...
BETTER DEAD THAN RED !!!! my wonderful Summerwine family members.
Just imagine if Everton were actually good [I know it's VERY HARD to think that deeply !!!]....what would us bitter blues have to moan about and vent our hatred ???????? a founder member of the "I hate Liverpool F.C. club"...
Now you all know about my Ringo Star link [his mum used to babysit me !!!] is an Auntie Wainwright link...when she was a young girl Jean went to the school at the top of my street.....WELLINGTON ROAD....AND.......another "school fact "...believe it or not...THE PLAYGROUND WAS ON...
I always liked Mr.Gridley's rare appearances [even if he was a bully !!!]...I thought Roy could have used him more.
The best part with the above is when Foggy say's they called him "the ice man" which our traffic warden says ..."SELLING ICED CREAM WHERE YOU........MR.SOFTY...
Being a Scouse bitter blue loon I am not allowed sharp I always carry my spoon with me !!!!!!! cut my chips in half and scoop up my beans !!!!!.
CHIPS AND BEANS !!!!!....GET ON IT !!!!!! underrated !!!....only a couple of chippeeeez in Liverpool do them......loads of salt and vineger !!!! the immortal words of Bernard Matthews............................B O O O O O O T I F U L L !!!!!!!!!.
Ahhhhh yes.....BUT.....what about when I bathe/ will be a permanent reminder of the best days of my life........40 years of lows and lowers !!!...I know.....I will stop washing and become very smelly on the outside.....but content within !!!!!.
Talking of tattoos......I have the postcode of Goodison Park [L4 4EL] on a Liverpool street sign on my lower arm.....I will have to cut my arm off when they move to their shiny big new ground on the banks of the royal blue Mersey !!!!......
I can confirm after witnessing Saturday's performance that watching Everton is as gratifying as walking round Liverpool Docks with a stone in your shoe !!!...they could put a glass eye to sleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
CAPTAIN !!!! know me well enough by now and probably realise that I have a split personality !!! my "alter ego" PLEASE have "Kilimanjaro" by The Teardrop Explodes and "New Gold Dream" by Simple Minds on the subs bench ????.
X! X! X!
Stone Roses first Album.
The La's only album.
Deacon Blue - the immortal words of Miss Moody........."I THINK LIKE YOU CAPTAIN"...[not Mr.Wainwright !!!]....."The Queen is Dead" by The Smiths is pushing its way into my list !!!!......I think it is the fact that we both...
You know what Barry......every game we have a young girl dressed in long blue and white Victorian clothes [ because of old ma' Nobblet's toffee shop which was thriving in 1878 when Everton were founded] walking around the pitch at five minutes before kick off with a basket full of Everton...
Barkers blackcurrant and liquorice.....or sour apples....or a really good pear drop.....infact.......ANY sweet that made the roof of your mouth or your tongue bleed !!!!!!.........keep away from the Old English Humbugs....your muzzy will get Alvin's does eventually !!!
"so what do you want ?"...
"I don't know.......TEMPT ME !!!! "
"How about a still lemonade ?".....
"I don't want that rubbish !!!!"....
"How about a fizzy lemonade ?"....
"It gives me the wind".....
"I think I'll 'av.......COCOA !!!!!".
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