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  1. M

    Just For Barry

    "SHE'LL KILL MEH !!!!!!!!!"
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    A premature Christmas message from Scouseland...[not Lapland !!!!]

    Whilst I am feeling festive I want to be the first to wish each and every Summerwine family member from the 4 corners of the globe a wonderful,healthy,happy,joyous,laughter filled Christmas !!!!......and thank you all for making me laugh.....making me cry....keeping me sane.....and giving me a...
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    Not really cut out to be Santa was Howard..

    Crums is the absolute pinacle of festive viewing !!!.......I have watched it every Christmas Eve for many many years [but then again...I watch it 12 months a year !!!]. It combines everything that makes our show so special and so unique.....friendship,loyalty,madness [i.e. Barry's home made...
  4. M

    George or Rosemary?

    Another great "deluded" Howard quote......." oh that's really serious.......I REMIND HER OF TOM CRUISE !!!!!"....the question is HAS HE GOT ANY MIRRORS IN HIS HOUSE ???????? X!
  5. M

    A shirt for our Desmond

    A million thanks Pearl for completing that amazing piece of Roy Clarke dialogue......absolute comedy gold and absolute perfect timing by two absolute legends who are absolutely perfect together !!!! is at special times like that when I struggle to believe that these characters are not...
  6. M

    A shirt for our Desmond

    The number 1 "Nora and Wally shopping moment"....... "DO YOU LIKE IT ?"...... "DO YOU CARE ?"... "OF COURSE I CARE,I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR ANYTHING THAT MY HUSBAND DOES'NT LIKE !!" "WELL THINK ON".... "DOOOOO YOOOOO LIKE IT ?" "I HAAAAAAAATE IT"....followed by an assault by Nora [Wally's whippet...
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    Out of service

    Maltrab !!!!!....if I catch a bad case of "post traumatic Summerwine syndrome" due to lack of access to our wonderful site the fault will lie at the door of your office !!!!!!. X!
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    Classic bags of Crisps that are no more

    Brannigans roast beef and mustard in the brown paper bag !!!!.....they were a thing of beauty !!!!.....proper crisps which were that strong they took the lining off the roof of your mouth......AND Worcester Sauce flavoured Twiglets !!!!!...mega strong and full of flavour !!!!. X!
  9. M

    RIP Shane McGowan

    A flawed genuis.......may God rest his soul. I recommend EVERYONE read his book " A drink with Shane McGowan." It is basically his then girlfriend talking to him his life,his belief,his politics,his friends,his is one of the best books I have ever is impossible to put...
  10. M

    Name episodes that Compo was Singing in

    "Crack,crack goes the whip I whistle as I sing".......followed by a finale of Compo strumming an imaginary guitar as he sings "oh umpa,umpa........."whilst relaxing on his comfy bed of hay on the back of the wagon !!!
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    Name episodes that Compo was Singing in

    Our favourite Headmaster crooned "Come into the garden Maud" and "How many gentle flowers grow in an English country garden"....AND he got a nice surprise from a "gentleman in riding gear" [to quote Nora !!!!]......a coin or two in his hat !!!...which he placed very quickly into his top pocket...
  12. M

    Has LOSW helped during bad times

    I think in the wicked world we live in,where greed and power are king more and more people may seek the comfort blanket parallel universe of Summer Wine. I have described it previously as "visual prozac"...but that does not go far enough to be honest. In the words of the famous song..."IT MAKES...
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    "Here he comes.......MAN WITH STEEL FINGERS"

    Roger....AS astound me !!!!!. You are an absolute Summerwine family LEGEND !!!!!!. You have a "Summerwine MEGA BRAIN !!!" X!
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    "Here he comes.......MAN WITH STEEL FINGERS"

    Know we all know that our resident "trained killer" was absolutely worshipped by the natives ["only little fellas they were"]. They would have followed him anywhere and he was even offered the Chief's daughter ["oh....beautiful she was...beautiful]. He was admired that much that his squadron of...
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    What episodes do you skip over? Or, what parts of the episode do you skip?

    Eli's Coming.......what about a frozen dead ferret in a potato waffle box ?????. His previous owner must have been very kind to him because he asked Hobbo,Alvin and Entwistle to bury him in the local Churchyard !!. I think Cleggy was the person most close to nature......just look how excited he...
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    Sids Cafe saved from closure

    I am truly lost for words.....somebody who actually works for the council must have been considering closing the centre of our universe !!!......surely the people in power must realise just how much revenue OUR SHOW brings to the local economy ?????..... They should check the numerous CCTV...
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    Are you ready Wally?

    .............."PASS"...... Compo's face when Foggy is describing Nora in her nighty is absolute comedy gold !!!..... "OOOOOHH I CAN'T STAND IIIIIT !!!!!".
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    Visual Gags

    Captain !!!!....I could tell you some stories !!!...[unfortunately the majority of them would have me under lock and key]......we used to get the Guinness ships directly from Dublin...when she'd berthed the captain would tell us we could have as much as we wanted !!! container no...
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    Look who it is. Its Wally Batty

    I think that when he entered the cafe and exclaimed that Nora has ordered him to go to a furniture auction/sale [ although as he stressed he would "rather be with me pigeons !!!!"] Wally thought..."right...I will teach her !!!"....and instead of going to the auction he travelled a bit further...
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    Local knowledge

    NONE FOR ME.....TWO FOR "DAISY" !!!!!!.