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  1. M


    Can I have half a point for when the terrified Barry sloped into the ladies hairdressers because of an imminent encounter with Miss Davenport !!!.....only to be followed in by Glenda !!!. He broke down after heavy interrogation from Glenda and explained that he was going to pay for a...
  2. M

    First Jobs

    When I worked as a handyman my first customer gave me a long list of jobs to do........I only did job numbers 1,3,5,7,and 9.......when he complained I simply explained that I was an odd job man !!!...[I am REALLY sorry this time !!!]. X!
  3. M

    First Jobs

    Here's one for Captain Zero !!! first job ever was as a human cannonball.......I was hired and fired on the same day !!!!!....[sorry again everyone !!!]. x!
  4. M

    First Jobs

    When I worked for the police as a detective my first job was to hunt down a prolific cannibal......I had to do it because all the more seasoned officers had already been eaten !!!!!...[sorry everyone !!!!]. X!
  5. M

    First Jobs

    Just a minute Bora !!!!....I thought your first job was a butter patter !!!!. X!
  6. M

    Credibility gap

    Do you think Brian adlibbed with his "HEY YE YAH" sounds when showing off his ninja martial art skills the first time he had to do it ???.......every time I see him in action it makes me giggle.....two particular favourites of mine were when he did it to Ivy in the cafe....and when he did it to...
  7. M

    First Jobs

    Absolutely correct Barry !!!!.....the best days of my life !!!. Travelling all over the country and Europe dressed the the stylish sportswear of the day watching the best team I have ever seen with a gang of young scallywags !!!.....we got up to some high jinx I can tell you !!! They were the...
  8. M

    First Jobs

    Sat my A really good offered a place at St.Andrew's University in Scotland.....went up for interviews.....realised that a scallywag like me from Liverpool would not last 3 to 4 years with really posh 24/7 with them in the halls.....SO.....I packed...
  9. M

    When should the series have ended

    Although our show was originally the musings of 3 great friends...wandering around....doing very little it made us barmpots simply fall in love with the whole concept.....the characters became our friends...and in my humble opinion became real. Although after Compo's passing more characters...
  10. M

    I Wonder if

    Captain....Everton are so far behind in the hospitality stakes I am sure they still burn witches in the bowels of the stands !!!!... You have 2 choices......a steak pie...OR a foot long hotdog !!!!!....we used to have Eccles cakes but they were far too exotic for our tastes !!!. The vegi/vegan...
  11. M

    I Wonder if

    BORA !!!!!...YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY OFF MY CHRISTMAS CARD LIST !!!!!!!.....I am that bitter I won't even have Tomato ketchup in my house because it is red !!!! Barry....the reason that Everton are nicknamed "The Toffees"..[I have got a few other names I could call them !!!] is because when...
  12. M

    I Wonder if

    They are my friend..... They were the original club from Liverpool They were founded in 1878....15 years before the other team in the City. Everton actually played at Anfield until 1891.....when the landlord asked for more money to play there... They decided to refuse to pay and bought a piece...
  13. M

    I Wonder if

    Unfortunately not name comes from decades and decades of lows and lowers watching my football club EVERTON. They have ruined my life...they have dashed all my hopes and turned me into a "bitter blue" !!!!.....hence the "MOODYBLUE".
  14. M

    I Wonder if

    You certainly do Bora !!!!.....we have motor vehicles of all shapes and lots and lots of high end clothing [Ralph Lauren,Gant,Tommy Hilfiger] Individuals can actually book a container and have their possessions taken across the Atlantic. We had a 4 month dock strike here in...
  15. M

    I Wonder if

    We have 2 ACL container vessels every week coming into Liverpool Docks from America !!!.....they bring containers full of luxury American items.....and also household items......everything that is American and sought after comes through us !!!. They are absolutely MAAAAASIVE !!!!....and are...
  16. M

    Whatever happened to the likely lads

    It's funny everyone is talking about regional accents being "softened" is Liverpool the accent is getting stronger...the "youth of today" speak a different language to The Beatles accent of the 1960's and 70's......I speak with a very strong Scouse accent because I am from an area...
  17. M

    Whatever happened to the likely lads

    What I found puzzling Captain was it was based in Newcastle.....but we did not hear many Geordie accents ???? catchphrase that always reminds me of that wonderful "Whatever happened to" series was....."DRINK IT WHILE IT'S HOT".......Terry would always say it to Bob when passing him a...
  18. M

    The Last Surviving Maurice Chevalier Impression

    The "floral disinfectant scene" in Compo's is very very funny...the dialogue between Compo and Nora when she pops down because she has seen him dressed as Maurice is top class......."DAMN !,DAMN !...I DO BELIEVE I HAVE RUN OUT OF FLORAL DISIFECTANT !!!...I WAS ONLY SAYING TO CLEGGY THIS...
  19. M


    In my humble opinion the measure of the man was that my favourite 3 Christmas specials were "Uncle Of The Bride","Crums" and "What's Santa Bought For Nora,Then ?" everyone has said,the bond of genuine camaraderie was evident...the dialogue between the 3 was absolutely superb.....not just...
  20. M

    Nice to see you. Too see you nice.

    What about the sitcom featuring OUR SID !!! and Compo's short lived girlfriend...." I didn't know you cared". Uncle Staveley..." I HEARD THAT.....PARDON !!"