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    Things Auntie sold to Clegg

    Lady's foundation garment in wheelies
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    Are You Being Served

    The one off special when the BBC were celebrating comedy a couple of years back was absolutely shocking
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    Hi all

    Welcome to the forum I'm planning my trip for next year cant wait
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    Blackpool pier fire

    A fire occured on Blackpools central pier in the early hours destroying a ride damaging another, believed to have started in an engineering shed I have fond memories of the pier from childhood could have been much worse...
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    Cleggy Driving.

    Cheering up ludovic
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Compo- Aye aye captain I've just sunk Howard and marina
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    Quickfire Question #25

    Camera shy ?
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    Yorkshire Post

    I'm going to watch both of funerals and fish and how not to cry at weddings on the 29th I was planning a holmfirth trip but that will wait untill next year now with everything what's going on
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    Hi everyone!

    Hi mate hope you enjoy it here
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    Yorkshire Post

    I believe Howard mentioned to clegg "how does it feel to be rehoused cleggy" I'm thinking the council moved them into better accommodation
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    Yorkshire Post
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    Favourite Scene In LOTSW

    I loved the different variations of the theme tune in the episodes such as the brass band playing in full steam behind and stop that castle
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    Favourite Scene In LOTSW

    Compo on the roof of the caravan in all mod conned
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    Hi everyone, newbie here!

    Welcome to the forum and I will also add glory glory man united
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    Interesting Out take

    I also found a couple of clips from bill Owens old films including a clip from a carry on film
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    Interesting Out take

    Yep I seen someone come on with the script and then him say I'm alright thanks
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    Interesting Out take

    Hahaha litteraly spotted this yesterday and was going to post it this clip is hilarious
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    Happy 95th Howard

    Happy birthday Robert
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    Little Britain

    The Rfu want to ban England fans from singing swing low sweet chariot because of it's historical connections to slavery
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    Little Britain

    Uktv have removed an episode of faulty towers title 'the Germans ' as it apparently contains racial slurs