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  1. mashibinbin

    Four legged friends

    You could say Tom had a hand in his success!
  2. mashibinbin

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    It's a lovely interview showing great warmth between the actors.
  3. mashibinbin

    The possibility of a new episode

    I saw him more as booting the idea! ;)
  4. mashibinbin

    Four legged friends

    So much for a canine mutiny in Holmfirth!
  5. mashibinbin


    The way this and another thread are going on Roy might has well have called his pilot 'of Tractors and Dogs' instead!
  6. mashibinbin

    Who on the Forum remembers these

    Was a certain Mr Sibshaw one? ;)
  7. mashibinbin

    Poor Howard

    "I think I've really clocked it this time..."
  8. mashibinbin

    Edies Driving.

    Good job this was horses and not cows or I'd say this may have whiffed of bullocks!
  9. mashibinbin

    The possibility of a new episode

    Funny how respect to the memory of the words 'carry on' are instilling in us the reaction "Don't start"!
  10. mashibinbin


    Pretty much most of the photos right hand side.
  11. mashibinbin

    Poor Howard

    Looks like they've caught the ringleader of Holmfirth's chain gang!
  12. mashibinbin

    Who on the Forum remembers these

    It's no use giving one to Edie, Wes-lay would only move it!
  13. mashibinbin


    Not only is there a fairly distinct skull on the left hand side but there appears to be the outline of a hooded figure in the top left tree.
  14. mashibinbin

    Edies Driving.

    Poor Edie, the one thing guaranteed is she'll drive you to distraction at the very least with her skills behind the wheel.
  15. mashibinbin

    You can pick only One

    Maybe they were having a break? ;)
  16. mashibinbin

    Hade Edge

    "Foggy was determined to find that penny he lost."
  17. mashibinbin

    Four legged friends

    Did Wesley put his hat on it? ;)
  18. mashibinbin

    Four legged friends

    For Pearl any episode that featured Marina! ;)
  19. mashibinbin

    Happy ever after

    Given the apparent sincerity of that scene he would certainly try to but Marina wouldn't let go without a fight and would attempt to get his jealousy roused. Eventually she'd give up and Mr Sibshaw would wax wistfully about his myriad encounters akin to Sid and a certain bus conductoress.
  20. mashibinbin


    For number 2 I'm hazarding a guess that Howard stole Cleggy's back door key once to let in Marina surrepticiously, however despite nearly 'cracking it this time', she only went and lost it. Later on it was found but that Christmas Compo had to be squeezed more than Foggy's not so really...