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  1. Adanor

    The little things

    Mole books which are little books in which you can make notes about little things in life. It's possible that Cleggy used one of these when he made notes while waiting for his clothes to finish drying.
  2. Adanor

    Can you speak BBC "RP" English?

    Well count me out. I have the Washington, DC accent, putting an "R" in Washington.
  3. Adanor

    Getting there..soon

    Yes, I totally agree that they were too quick to rip up the tracks. There are many different types of trains that can be run on the tracks; two car trains, even a one car train. You can even have a vehicle with two types of wheels, rail and highway. In rural areas, you can even have a system...
  4. Adanor

    Can you speak BBC "RP" English?

    Here across the pond, a pastor in my church hails from Merry Old England and when he gets up to preach, pronounces words with a decided BBC Received. And everyone receives his sermons with alacrity.
  5. Adanor

    Continuity errors and mistakes

    There are two instances of a happy accident. The first involved a giant hanging five-foot carrot. The Trio was attempting to remove the carrot and it accidentally wacked Foggy. Totally unintended, but they left it in. The second took place in a scene where Wesley was towing this beat-up car...
  6. Adanor

    Name That Dog!

    He looks like a Victor to me.
  7. Adanor

    Moodyblue to HAPPY BLUE !!!!

    Well, as I picked my way through the rants, I gathered that this is about soccer AKA football. What can I surmise? Let me see -- the Moody Blues does not refer to an early '70's rock group. And Jurgens does not refer to a hand lotion. And tomato sauce is something that you put on pasta unless...
  8. Adanor

    The changing face of.........SOCIETY.

    This is all very, very concerning. The Gen Z's are forgetting how to hold a conversation, forgetting how to write in complete sentences. and forgetting how to read a physical hold-it-in-your-hand book, and all of the things that are normal to us Boomers. When one relies on a smartphone or a...
  9. Adanor

    The Beatles

    Speaking of the Beatles, when I do crossword puzzles, Yoko Ono often appears. In the clue, she is no longer called John Lennon's widow, but is usually referred to as an artist.
  10. Adanor

    Back and There Again

    On Still Open All Hours, David Jason and Linda Byron both returned after having been on Open All Hours. They both continued with their roles. David Jason went from being a reluctant assistant to being the proprietor with the ability to come up with various schemes.
  11. Adanor

    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Actually if you paid attention, you might notice that Cleggy was much fonder of the ferrets than Compo.
  12. Adanor

    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Donkeys -- Not exactly pets but key story line elements 1. The trio was taking a break from attempting to catch a donkey when they came upon Howard and Marina doing the tango. This was the first time that we see them. 2. The trio was in a corral futilely attempting to catch some donkeys so they...
  13. Adanor

    Whither and Wheretofore Howard, Pearl and Marina?

    I think that the chemistry of Robert Fyfe, Julliet Kaplan, and Jean Fergusson was so good that Roy Clarke just had to put them in the show.
  14. Adanor

    It takes a village?

    Well, it was always much easier to feature Clegg's and Howard's houses after they "moved" as it was much easier to film. They could do much more such as putting a ladder up to the window, vehicles arriving and departing, larger groups of people, etc.
  15. Adanor

    Tight Collar

    On Perry Mason, there was The Case of the Violent Vest in which a really loud vest (waistcoat) was the crux of the episode. On many other episodes one can spot the very same vest being worn with no one the wiser.
  16. Adanor

    Occupations We Don't See Anymore

    Newspaper reader for a clipping service. I know because I was one. This was a pre-Google endeavor.
  17. Adanor

    Who Are You Similar To In Last Of The Summer Wine?

    It took me a while to figure out why Nora and Wally seemed so familiar and then it hit me. They reminded me of my mother and father. Yes, my mother was tall and forthright, and my father was short and shall we say, sometimes yielded to my mother's wishes. Yep, Nora and Wally were very familiar.
  18. Adanor

    RIP Hutch

    He was also on an episode of Inspector Lewis. As a note, Paul Glasner who played Starsky was in the middle of a horrible tragedy in real life. That was when AIDS was first besetting this country, and nobody knew what it was. His wife and son sadly contracted this disease and did not survive.
  19. Adanor

    I Just hope it floats

    Hope the water goes down soon!
  20. Adanor

    Why did season three feature Gordon?

    Well, Gordon was needed to drive the van to Scarborough and to provide someone that Compo could teach the facts of life to. And then there was the wedding. But having a normal couple would not have worked as there was no quirkiness. But who played Gordon? Why it's Philip Jackson who, later on...