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  1. Adanor

    Another Trip to Holmfirth!

    Very nice!
  2. Adanor

    The music thread

    Although I can appreciate early Beatles and other rock music of that ilk, I actually like classic music (think Beethoven, Bach, etc.). Yes, that music.
  3. Adanor


    There is a motif of ladders being a source of comedy. In LOTSW, there is a lot of comedy around ladders being removed; like that one where Foggy fancies himself as first aid provider and takes a ladder that's being used by a roofer. In OAH, Arkwright goes up a ladder to woo Nurse Gladys.
  4. Adanor

    "Force six wind and a rapidly falling barometer."

    Barometers used to be a standard item in every house, and everyone knew how to read it. Perhaps one item that needs to become popular again. Not so much as a retro item, but as a way to know more about the weather. With all of this climate change stuff, it may be valuable to know more about...
  5. Adanor

    Unique Appearances In Last Of The Summer Wine...

    In one episode, tea is being poured from a brown teapot with cream stripes. I know that teapot well as I have one just like it. I forget whether it's Nora doing the pouring or maybe it's Foggy.
  6. Adanor

    Makes you wonder

    At my doctor's office, they have switched to a main check-in area as soon as you walk in, with a receptionist at a desk for those who don't do machines and check-in machines for those who are comfortable using those machines. Of course, they would like everyone to use the machine, but still...
  7. Adanor

    Onslow's car backfiring.

    Speaking of factories, doesn't the structure of high school remind you of a factory. Bells sounding indicating that it is time to change classes; having to dash through crowded halls to get to the next class; a class schedule that makes no sense.; lunch at an odd hour; and to top it off, they...
  8. Adanor

    Onslow's car backfiring.

    In my high school, it was a given, not under discussion or debate that girls took Home Ec and boys took shop. And it was lovely to be in a class with all girls. We could have discussions on topics related to female concerns. And I learned why you must put a sweet potato pie on a cookie sheet...
  9. Adanor

    To be as little children

    Yes, it must have been very hard to film those scenes. Years ago, I had a very hard moment at work so I know how hard it was. I was coming to work in DC, walking up the sidewalk after getting off the subway. There was a police car sitting opposite the entrance to my building; and there was...
  10. Adanor

    Onslow's car backfiring.

    Many, many years ago, I had the car in for repair and the mechanic went on and on in explaining about a certain repair. Since mechanics usually utter one or two words about the problem, this guy was doing a sales job and that should have been my cue to turn him down. Back then I was naïve and...
  11. Adanor

    Onslow's car backfiring.

    Roy Clarke was fond of inserting explosions anywhere he could. Having a car backfiring was one surefire way of working an explosion in a comedy based in a quiet neighborhood.
  12. Adanor

    Arkwright inhabits my brain!

    My husband has discovered cold brew teabags. No need for hot water, toss the teabag into the pitcher and fill with cold water. This makes wonderful iced tea!
  13. Adanor

    Today I'm Going To, Or I've Listened To...(FILL IN MUSIC TITLE)

    I'm going to go Across the Field to read the Washington Post march. FYI - The first is the name of a march we played often in my high school marching band. The second, believe it or not, is an actual piece of music which we also played.
  14. Adanor

    A little time out.

    Take all the time you need! Sorry to hear of your loss.
  15. Adanor

    Here's a random question

    My exercise bicycle sat for many months unused (sans clothing). One day I decided to use it and I found out that cats can look astonished. Yes, the cats, both of them, had a look of astonishment on their little faces as they saw this static piece of equipment suddenly come to life!!
  16. Adanor

    Here's a random question

    I've never owned a smart TV. In case you're wondering, a smart TV works like a giant tablet.
  17. Adanor

    Anyone remember 1962

    It wasn't 1962, but late 60's and it was snowing hard and they let school out early. The lady bus driver shouted "My hearts in my mouth" at the top of her lungs as she drove through the snow.
  18. Adanor

    Compos musical turns.

    When I was about 10 or 11, I was riding bikes with a friend prior to going off on a epic vacation with my family; visiting aunts and cousins on both sides, camping with a tent trailer, etc. My friend and I had traded bikes and hers had a problem with the steering. I skidded on some gravel, fell...
  19. Adanor

    What Would You Do?

    Let's take a page out of Auntie Wainwright's book and try to frequent the second hand shops, the local shops, etc. I know that concerning TVs, DVD players, remotes, etc. that you need a real good electronics store. A store that you can walk in and discuss what you need to enable you to walk out...