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  1. Adanor

    Too Many Antiques shows on TV

    I used to watch Bargain Hunt. I believe there was one episode where a lady had several very beautiful and authentic micro-mosaics, which were NOT CHEAP and went for beaucoup pounds.
  2. Adanor

    Too Many Antiques shows on TV

    There are two or three of these shows on WETA UK (US) and they are not really remarkable with bids on household treasures, restoration of household treasures and auction, etc. The auction usually consists of the auctioneer, 20 or so people in attendance, and of course, a computer link for those...
  3. Adanor

    The same, only different.......

    1. On Open All Hours, there is a piece of furniture, a cabinet in the kitchen. The same cabinet also appeared in Compo's living room. 2. In Clegg's first house, there are brief glimpses of a table with a plant on it in front of a window. It brings back memories of my childhood house in which...
  4. Adanor

    Tis the season to be jolly

    We actually celebrate Christmas twice, once on Christmas Day with my sister and family; then on New Year's Day with more family in a restaurant. Best wishes to all in advance.
  5. Adanor

    Old Newspapers or Magazine

    Yes, The Washington Post is still alive and well; BUT many beloved and treasured features have been axed. So, the paper is very gradually being turned into a different newspaper; one that is increasingly becoming unrecognizable. These features that are being lost include local human interest...
  6. Adanor

    York with a Touch of Chocolate

    Among other items of note, York is known for chocolate. And of course, Lancaster is not too far away with quite a different reputation. And over here, across the pond, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania there is the town of Lancaster with an interesting reputation, and not too far away is the...
  7. Adanor

    The attack of the peppermill

    Unfortunately, administrative assistants often are "volunteered" to clean out the office refrigerator or to do other "tasks" that fall under the "other duties as required" that are needed to support the office. And yes, this admin team person did not have to clean the cup, but she obviously so...
  8. Adanor

    Eternal Laws of Summerwineland...

    I think that it's interesting that Smiler shares the pushing of the cart with Tom. They are both slogging it out at the back of the cart. And then let's contrast that with Compo, who ended up, not pushing it, but riding on top of a pile of furniture, like a king returning from a successful battle.
  9. Adanor

    Eternal Laws of Summerwineland...

    No matter how many scrapes Eli gets into, he never gets seriously injured.
  10. Adanor

    Pretty Holmfirth Evening Christmas Lights 2023

    The tractors were a nice touch!
  11. Adanor

    Has LOSW helped during bad times

    Yes, I agree. I happen to like streams since I grew up next to one. And they spend a lot of time in streams and rivers, beginning with the pilot when they went down to a stream and got a fish, to various encounters river outside of Nora's, to Howard and Marina's various dips in the river or...
  12. Adanor

    Has LOSW helped during bad times

    I often enjoy looking at the trees on the show. Some look very old as they have incredible trunks. And the ones that they climb, so interesting. Once upon a time, I used to climb trees.
  13. Adanor


    Check this movie out! It's called "Husbands"! It was made back in the 60's and (get this!) was about three men who shed their responsibilities and move from New York to London. Stars Peter Falk and two other men. Sound familiar???
  14. Adanor

    Stewart Fell

    We go to Costco which is close. While he is busy with his hearing aids, I can shop!
  15. Adanor

    Stewart Fell

    My husband's hearing aids always seem to have a problem. We keep on having to go back to the store to get an adjustment. And then there's the ear wax problem that perhaps works to clog up the hearing aids.
  16. Adanor

    Yes, it's a steam train in the USA.

    Here across the pond, there are many tourist-type steam trains that operate on revitalized tracks. There are many organizations that acquire steam locomotives and cars; and are staffed mainly by volunteers who rehab and run the trains. Theses organizations take tourists on excursions which...
  17. Adanor


    Get a Rat Terrier which is a breed of dog that specializes in catching rats and mice.
  18. Adanor

    Shinyglow Mug!

    Well, it is 4::45 AM and don't ask me why I'm down in the basement typing this -- hint -- the husband needed something from the computer. Anyway, if the teabag is from a well known brand, I will make a cup of tea with it. And the husband prefers cold brew teabags, designed for making ice tea...
  19. Adanor

    the romantic life of Norman Clegg

    I would just say that Cleggy, when he was working in the lino shop, would have dealt with taciturn men when ordering the lino, only interested in getting the details correct such as pattern, style, and quantity.
  20. Adanor

    Compos winter Warmers

    The original hat was knitted by a dedicated watcher. So for anyone who knits, there should be pattern somewhere. So if anyone should be so inclined, with a pattern and a little bit of yarn, they can come up with a reasonable copy.