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  1. Amos Hames 2

    Chocolate dreams

    Are you a Milk. White or Dark chocolate kind of person
  2. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    Aggie Duckett
  3. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    Norman Rossington
  4. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

  5. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    Young. Barbara
  6. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    Roy Clarke
  7. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

  8. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    Gordon Simmonite
  9. Amos Hames 2

    Peter Sallis

    I have that book and Bill's too
  10. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

  11. Amos Hames 2


    It's not everyone's cup of tea but I love it and always wonder what would have happened if we followed the boys during the war. What capers they would get up too
  12. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    OK let's see how this goes. In a similar format to the episode game we can have anything but the next answer still has to begin with the last letter. All answers obvious must be connected with the Summerwine land . For instance if I start with Amos Hames the next person could have Scarborough as...
  13. Amos Hames 2


    Rewatching First of the summer wine right now
  14. Amos Hames 2

    Interviews with Summer Wine cast

    Fabulous. Thanks that man
  15. Amos Hames 2

    Old Movies.

    Rollerball is a classic
  16. Amos Hames 2


    Jif lemon. Used to be Sugar but can't have that now due to my Diabetes