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  1. Amos Hames 2

    Four legged friends

    Name any episode that features a Dog or Dogs . I'll start with All that Glitters is not Elvis
  2. Amos Hames 2

    Happy ever after

    No he would still have found a way to change his library book.
  3. Amos Hames 2

    Foggy and the Natives #3

    Stop that Castle. While pushing a pram. He who walks with danger pushing a pram ?
  4. Amos Hames 2

    Poor Smiler

    Dressed as Noddy
  5. Amos Hames 2

    TV within Summerwine Land

    How many times did we see a TV or anyone watching TV during the shows run . I'll start with when Compos TV was taken away in one of the first episodes
  6. Amos Hames 2


    Maybe Wally Batty can knock up some Skis
  7. Amos Hames 2


    Mrs Avery didn't work at all
  8. Amos Hames 2

    Did they hire it ?

    Auntie Wainwright must have been involved somewhere
  9. Amos Hames 2

    Speaking of Chocolate.

    I said exactly the same thing
  10. Amos Hames 2

    Speaking of Chocolate.

    Yes I remember it. I loved it
  11. Amos Hames 2

    Another Year Gone

    Happy New Year to you and yours Terry and Everyone else on this Wonderful platform where we keep our favourite show alive.
  12. Amos Hames 2

    New year Resolution

    Eli to actually hit the dartboard
  13. Amos Hames 2

    Its bonkers

    Easter Eggs were on sale yesterday. Unbelievable. It gets earlier every year
  14. Amos Hames 2

    Whos the best Batman

    For me it's Adam West. No one comes close
  15. Amos Hames 2


    Wow some fabulous pics there
  16. Amos Hames 2

    Time Capsules #12

    Remote Control Car
  17. Amos Hames 2

    Time Capsules #11

    His real mother
  18. Amos Hames 2

    Mulled wine

    Does anyone actually like the stuff. I'm not a fan personally
  19. Amos Hames 2


    The price of stamps these days. Chuffin heck