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  1. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    VERNIE Sedgwick
  2. Amos Hames 2

    He cleans up good...

    Wasn't he in a Yellow and Black Stripy suit in the episode One of the last places unexplored by man
  3. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Tom Simmonite
  4. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Albert ( I think he was in Uncle of the Bride )
  5. Amos Hames 2

    Football anyone

    I'm glad we are sticking to Topic Ha Ha
  6. Amos Hames 2

    Football anyone

    Compo kicked a ball over the wall in front of his house in a episode
  7. Amos Hames 2

    What Happened

    Was it the episode when the whole production team credits are at the beginning. I'm sure there was a episode like that . Of course I could by lying
  8. Amos Hames 2

    Football anyone

    I think leeds United get mentioned in a Blamire episode
  9. Amos Hames 2

    Football anyone

    I think there is a striking resemblance to Sid in this picture. So whilst on the subject how many times was football mentioned during the shows run. I mean teams mentioned or players or even characters dressed up as footballers. I'll start . Jack Harry in The Charity balls
  10. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Ernie Burniston
  11. Amos Hames 2


    Ah thanks Terry
  12. Amos Hames 2

    National Album Day

    New Goldream is a fantastic album
  13. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Captain Clutterbuck
  14. Amos Hames 2


    Anyone know the location of the Norbury House in the Series ?
  15. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Potts in Pole Position
  16. Amos Hames 2

    National Album Day

    Choke. The Beautiful South The Stone Roses debut Album All change. CAST
  17. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Kenneth Cope
  18. Amos Hames 2

    Favorite Tipple

    I know 3 years dosent sound a long time but I was in a bad way which also explains my prolonged absence on here
  19. Amos Hames 2

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Gordon Simmonite
  20. Amos Hames 2

    Favorite Tipple

    It's Tea now as not had Alcahol for 3 years now