Search results

  1. Marianna

    Victoria Square, Holmfirth

    Or was that in the terrace on Town Gate that was demolished to make the road wide enough to accommodate motor vehicles? I'm certain that several buildings on the other side of the bridge were destroyed in the Whit Monday flood of 1944. There's an interesting article at...
  2. Marianna

    The Future of the forum

  3. Marianna

    No Fly Zone

    Three of the four TGV rail lines were out of commission due to arson. Only the line from Marseilles was in operation.
  4. Marianna

    How Odd

    And as leather ages it acquires patina, so you can go on using it. Pleather just looks cheap and worn.
  5. Marianna

    How Odd

    I wish all manufacturers would specify which in which province their factories are located. One of the provinces uses slave labor because the population is a different ethnicity and religion to the rest of the country. I avoid Chinese-made products as much as possible because of that.
  6. Marianna

    Mr. Newbold

    Welcome to the forum. I disagree with your evaluation of SOAH, but I hope we can remain agreeable despite that.
  7. Marianna

    Lobby Lud

    Wikipedia is a know-it-all, too. Your post prompted me to look up the phrase, after having heard Clegg say it many times.
  8. Marianna

    In Reality

    It's the back of the clothes brush that she's fussing over Seymour with!
  9. Marianna


    I'm sure that hair cut requires a skilled stylist, but it's still ugly!
  10. Marianna

    Another Power Failure!

    I hope there are cooling centers nearby. Public libraries in this area are fulfilling that function. That provides safety from the heat while they're open, but doesn't solve the problem when they're closed.
  11. Marianna

    Another Power Failure!

    Much worse than dealing with Ivy. Soon after the power was restored, this area had a tornado warning. That's vanishingly rare in this area. It actually tracked north of here, but I haven't yet heard any damage reports from that area.
  12. Marianna

    Another Power Failure!

    Kept me offline for about 18 hours. We had the worst wind and rain in my experience yesterday evening, and I thought I'd seen it all. A mature tree uprooted and landed on the front porch roof of the house across the street, causing only superficial damage. I didn't see it happen because I was...
  13. Marianna

    Something unusual about the area you live in

    Many years ago, I went on a walking tour of Mount Desert Island. We spent about an hour in Bar Harbor, just so we could say we'd been there. Spent the rest of the week walking the carriage drives - easy walking, since they were built for horses pulling carriages fully loaded with the nouveau...
  14. Marianna

    Colour Blind

    In the LOTSW context, apparently the TV shop always repossessed Compo's set on Tuesdays. I have no idea what it means in the context of other programs.
  15. Marianna


    Oh, ugly!
  16. Marianna

    Pilot Episode

    Got it! Thanks. That gateway seemed much too grand for the somewhat derelict chapel.
  17. Marianna

    Pilot Episode

    I'll have to look at that scene in the pilot again, for the umpteenth time.
  18. Marianna

    Pilot Episode

    Is it very near the present cemetery? I'm not having any success matching the lie of the land seen in that photo with any plots along Cemetery Road.
  19. Marianna

    Strong Women

    A couple of men in the front row holding what look like flat caps.