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  1. Marianna

    Which Episode

    How Not to Cry at Weddings
  2. Marianna

    Well dressed Foggy

    In A Merry Heatwave, he was wearing an ascot.
  3. Marianna

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    Please explain to this uninformed American. What is Oasis Manc.?
  4. Marianna

    Snow, Florida, What?!?!

    In you face climate change!
  5. Marianna


    The further up you go beyond the top of the steps, the steeper the slope gets. I did it when I was younger, and it nearly killed me.
  6. Marianna

    Speaking of Chocolate.

    I don't remember it, but it looks wonderful!
  7. Marianna

    Another Year Gone

    Just after 8 AM here. Prying my eyes open to see rain, again, but nothing like the British Isles are experiencing. Happy New Year, and my the first foot over your threshold bring good fortune to your household.
  8. Marianna

    Indian or Chinese

    Neither. Each one tends to contain an indigestible ingredient. Soy in Chinese, chickpea meal in Indian. Both cause symptoms similar to a sub-fatal dose of arsenic.
  9. Marianna

    Whos the best Batman

    Darned if I have any idea! I read Batman comics, but never saw any of the movies.
  10. Marianna

    You can pick only One

    None of them. There's no dark Toblerone.
  11. Marianna

    Fran Wilson Photograph.

    I hope anyone who couldn't avoid driving was moving very slowly!
  12. Marianna

    Its bonkers

    Given the price of eggs here due to bird flu, I'd be surprised to see any Easter eggs at all.
  13. Marianna

    Great photo of Peter.

    I've read that he was actually as bad a driver as he acted in the series.
  14. Marianna

    Be Careful

    Not the location of Nora's cottage. That's on Scarfold. The cattle market was on Hollowgate, and the handrail is on the steps leading to a row of shops/cafés. If you continued in the direction that the camera is pointed, then curved to the right to cross the bridge, then immediately turned left...
  15. Marianna

    Time Capsules #12

    His welding equipment (miniaturized, of course).
  16. Marianna

    Time Capsules #12

    The apron he wore while cooking.
  17. Marianna

    Look What I got

    In my family, we don't exchange gifts, but my niece and her daughters make treats for everyone, just as she and her mother did, and her mother and grandmother before her. So we're not only given something good to eat, we're participating in an historical tradition.
  18. Marianna

    Impressed with Royal Mail (for a change)

    And that they've delivered to the correct address.
  19. Marianna

    What are you hoping for

    My preference for Christmas (or any) dinner is roast beef, gravy, roasted root veg, followed by a small slice each of the three standard (in my family) pies, apple, mince, cherry. The only thing turkey is good for is the thigh and drumstick meat in hash, with minced cooked potatoes, minced...