I have to admit before clicking on this thread I honestly thought it would be about Cooper & Walsh :)
They were certainly 'mini' in their overall contribution to policing !!!!
Another brilliant video, loved every minute of it, we're so lucky to have you keeping the series alive with your different angles on it.
As an idea, I'm sure there would be quite a lot of interest in a video as to what the happened to the actors/what they did next when the series was finished...
Very interesting thanks for posting Onslow. I bought a few albums from Apple Music a while back and they removed them from the library so despite me paying for them I can listen to them anymore.
I think the message is wherever possible buy a physical book rather than digital.
When I went to Hawes a few months back I was amazed to see loads of rabbits hanging up in the butchers there!
Never tried rabbit before, is it like chicken?
Considered them myself when I had my Wesleyesque Land Rover, but thought it could be hazardous if I needed to obey the call of nature at night ... :08:
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