I'm mindful our esteemed friends from over the seas may not know what Saga is! Basically it's a company which specialises in services for the over 50's :)
According to the Bank Of England Inflation Calculator that's around £3,500 - £4,000 in todays money. So on a par with your appearance fee for each of the Summer Wiine episodes you appeared in.
I've not thought about that before, but the idea is what I call radical common sense!
Making public toilets mandatory in every town benefits everyone ! Also it may well encourage more visitors to town centres again.
Are 1 dollar notes still widely used in the US ? When I was there 5 years ago I was amazed they were in circulation when they’re valued at less than a pound?
I was thinking that t-shirts were probably under represented in the show, probably as they were far too informal for most of the characters!
Can you name an episode and character we see in a traditional round necked t-shirt?
I'm sure there will be more than the handful I can recall
The NHS has a core policy of 'providing care at the point of need' so unlike many countries I've been to where the first thing they ask before giving treatment is 'how are you going to pay' they will give the care and ask the questions later.
The NHS will try and recover the costs, but often...
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