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  1. Barrychuckle

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    What do you call a nun on a washing machine? Sister Matic!
  2. Barrychuckle

    If you are waiting for your post

    Wesley must have a contract servicing the gears for the Royal Mail
  3. Barrychuckle


    Love it!!! Just as well no one saw you or you could’ve been sectioned :p
  4. Barrychuckle

    TV within Summerwine Land

    Can't recall the episode, but in either s1 or 2 Clegg is watching a TV set on a driving simulator.
  5. Barrychuckle


    I think the character of Alvin was probably the best replacement for Compo. To have Alvin think Nora was infatuated with him enabled her to continue sparring each day just like she had with Compo. When you contrast this to Tom, not only did I feel he was a weak character/actor but to have Nora...
  6. Barrychuckle


    You’re absolutely right! Miss Partridge was his assistant! Oops!
  7. Barrychuckle


    Bet you were tempted to make a snow angel in the middle picture! :D
  8. Barrychuckle

    When Your Grandson Works for the

    Those slippers are too plane for my liking ;) :D
  9. Barrychuckle

    When Your Grandson Works for the

    That’s a fowl joke!
  10. Barrychuckle

    When Your Grandson Works for the

    Just as well he doesn't work at the abattoir........
  11. Barrychuckle


    I thought Miss Davenport was a big improvement on Mr Partridge.....
  12. Barrychuckle


    Couldn't agree more
  13. Barrychuckle


    Did you have to move when your bar tab there got too much?
  14. Barrychuckle

    Did they hire it ?

    Perhaps one of the reasons Aunties shop was introduced was almost any prop could be provided.... at a steep cost of course!
  15. Barrychuckle

    More Tea Gromit?

    Must be 20 years since I last saw that! a very young looking Paul Whitehouse :D
  16. Barrychuckle

    Hard to believe

    Last of the Summer Wine spanned 2 centuries!
  17. Barrychuckle

    More Tea Gromit?

    This has just been posted to YouTube, the attention to detail in making these is staggering......
  18. Barrychuckle

    Young Hyacinth

    Howard, Clegg, Barry, Sid, Wesley, Wally, the list goes on of they who would echo those sentiments ;) ;)
  19. Barrychuckle

    Young Hyacinth

    You must like the bossy type :D :D
  20. Barrychuckle

    Did they hire it ?

    Perhaps they TWOC'd it (taking without consent for those less criminally minded :D) Very similar to the end scene on Wallace & Gromit Christmas special!!!!!