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  1. Barrychuckle

    Speaking of Chocolate.

    Welcome to the forum sunray, lovely to have you with us and thanks for taking the time to post. Hopefully many more to come! :)
  2. Barrychuckle

    Evri are the worst

    I'm 100% in agreement with you on this one, Evri are the Ryanair of couriers! I'll personally try and avoid companies which use them for deliveries
  3. Barrychuckle

    Young Hyacinth

    I saw Hobsons Choice myself in London a few years back, there's an awful lot going on in many of the scenes so i can imagine it was a logistical nightmare!
  4. Barrychuckle

    Young Hyacinth

    Not the prequel of the same name but discovered this gem starring a young Patricia Routledge and Michael Caine as her love interest. Clearly she had the makings of an outstanding actress even in her youth!
  5. Barrychuckle

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    About a month before my grandfather died, we covered his back in lard - after that he went downhill very quickly.........
  6. Barrychuckle


    Wow I thought you were on the canal initially! Hope you stay safe
  7. Barrychuckle

    Another Year Gone

    To those who work so hard to keep this site amazing running I'll quote a great philosopher, Young Mr Grace You've all done very well!
  8. Barrychuckle

    Look What I got

    Thanks for sharing they’re lovely, keep going and you can recreate a miniature version of Holmfirth!!
  9. Barrychuckle

    You can pick only One

    What were they, are they like opal fruits but in Celtic colours? :D
  10. Barrychuckle

    A sensible EU directive for a change.

    Like all the men in the series, I've learned to be pragmatic :D
  11. Barrychuckle

    A sensible EU directive for a change.

    It's a difficult one really as Leigh is correct it may well stifle innovation, but on the other hand manufacturers used to change their connections regularly just to force people to upgrade. Also it saves lots of incompatible wires/power cables having to be sent to landfill. So I'm going to...
  12. Barrychuckle

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    As a child I had a medical condition that meant I had to eat soil three times a day. Lucky my older brother told me about it, really.
  13. Barrychuckle

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I used to supply filofaxes for the mafia. I was involved in very organised crime
  14. Barrychuckle

    You can pick only One

    Were they invented then???
  15. Barrychuckle

    Indian or Chinese

    Do you get in all the fresh herbs or do you cheat with a jar??? You cannot beat freshly home made Indian food
  16. Barrychuckle

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I’d love to tell you a joke about a pencil, but it doesn’t have any point.
  17. Barrychuckle

    You can pick only One

    The Royal Household wouldn't approve !
  18. Barrychuckle

    More Tea Gromit?

    Yes I saw that, and is it a coincidence that the sou'wester that Marina wore is next to it :D
  19. Barrychuckle

    More Tea Gromit?

    Completely agree, Mrs Brown's Boys' impact on comedy is on a par with Mr Blobby, only the latter is far better written and more funny........