Some of you will know about our two pets, Joey the budgie and Jack the Jack Russel terrier. Yesterday we lost Joey. He had a tumor on his kidney. We found him in the back garden nearly 14 years ago. He wasn't a budgie, he was a friend. We will miss him so much. Maybe one day the tears will stop.
If you are bringing up the rear then what is your position compared to everyone else?
We only have four seasons one of which is special to us. :rolleyes:
That is a most interesting question Rick regarding "n.m.n.". The apostrophes indicate a message but the three letters are all in lower case. Does this indicate that the message is "tongue in cheek"? Also, each letter is followed by a full stop. The only message my weary worn out mind can come up...
I can see your thinking Barry but you ain't there yet. For small vegetable think of the company that, when I was young, used to be called the Sunday farting specialist. Also, what does one do when having a discussion?
I was going to add another name but was too indecisive. Eventually I decided to do that which I was contemplating and give you the name. Can you find it? :41:
That's a step closer. If you were sat on a cricket bat at the time of the release what would you have?
You got it Louise, well done.
Now, I put a couple of the characters names In my postings, can anyone spot them?
Hey Dick, are you OK? Your last visit was April 16th. Can you or some relative/friend make an input to let us know that your absence is only temporary. Thinking of you and praying for your well being.
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