As yet the program I am referring to has not been mentioned. I rather expected that y'all would have leapt on this.
Whilst I am here I would like to inform you that my recent illness was not caused by that horrible molecular bad germ called 'covid'.
I will leave you now to ponder over my...
For years my wife and I have drifted off into our nighttime sleep whilst watching LOTSW. Last night we decided to have a change. I searched through my discs and found the ideal gentle program. Last night we put the selected disc into the DVD player. We were lulled into sleep by two of TV's well...
I have been invaded by a group of fuzz dweller insects known to all beard sporting humans as, 'THE FUZZLYS'. The little devils will set up home in anybody's beard. They are not governed by gender and my wife's mother had to have her beard amputated in order to rid herself of the little...
Good day to you all. It's so good to have the capabilities back that enable me to correspond with you again. During my time of incapabilityciousness, I spent most of my time taking in the contours' of the ceiling and the progress of a spider building a web around the light fitting. The ceiling...
Being a Yorkshireman I am confused by the first word on the plaque, EH. All my life the word EH was a Yorkshire way of saying 'What was that you said?' Surely the opening to the message on the plaque should be 'HEY UP'! ....:oops:
Sorry for my abscence. I won't bore you with my health problems except to say that the last few weeks have been a bit of a midnight horse, {NIGHTMARE}. On top of that my neighbour of more than 62 years died of covid last Sunday That was very distressing and I am having difficulty in coming to...
Because of all the Worlds' problems we have stopped watching the news. This morning while going through my mail a news item hit me like a a ton of bricks, Shane Warne is dead. He died of a heart attack on March 4th. For anyone not interested in cricket he was among the cricketing greats. What a...
You are right of course Gothic, to cover every aspect of a sitcom that ran for more than 30 years would require a weeks programme time. I guess that we were all disappointed not to see a mention of our own favourite fragment of the show. My biggest disappointment was that this wonderful Forum we...
Great show which I thoroughly enjoyed. Having said that I do think that it was a smidge too fast. I did expect Stan Laurels daughter to get a mention in the celebrity's section. My eyes filled up when the most poignant moment in TV history was shown. That of course is when Clegg says to Tom...
You are most welcome Terry. This is by far the friendliest group I have ever been a member of. It is a great pleasure knowing that we can log into SW and be greeted with such amiable fellow members. In these postings Summer Wine Lives On.
Take care everybody and 'Have A Nice Day. :01:
Is it taboo to talk about the world's problems? Is it taboo to talk about certain worlds leaders? Is it taboo to swear when talking about said leaders? I presume that the answer to those questions is yes. The present problems have brought forth to my mind memories of being gripped very tightly...
That will be a date to remember Terry, 22 02 2022.. It's the same whichever way you look at it. It's a palindrome. I always thought that a palindrome was a friend who worked in the theater. ;)
I always got the impression Onslow, that Nora considered herself a member of the upper working class. My own personal memories of distant years were that women in those days were more inclined to wear a headscarf over their curlers. Personally I thought that Nora's headgear was OK. For stupid...
Boy what a strong wind that was last night. The house was shaking like a jelly on steroids. I know you won't believe this but about 10:PM I distinctly felt the house rise into the air. Being a member of the Old Age Fellowship, OAF, I rolled off the settee and hung on grimly to the floor. As I...
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