Two years. It cost me £129. It is a Logitech 930. I want to situate the camera in the conservatory so that we can watch the wild life in the garden. If I can do it I am contemplating putting a 6 metre long USB extension cable in. That should do the job and save the cost of another camera. I will...
I have a very good Logitech camera, 930 but it is not wi-fi. I wish to use it as wi-fi but the kit is a bit expensive. I could buy a new wi-fi camera but a lot of them have curved verticals where they should be straight. Can anyone recommend a good indoor wi-fi camera or a way of converting my...
We have just watched my favourite musical, Merrie Olde Christmas starring Bing Crosby, David Bowie, Stanley Baxter, Twiggy and our very own Captain Clutterbuck aka Ron Moody. We never miss watching this at Christmas. It is so sad that Bing never saw this film. He died five weeks after the last...
We had Carol Singers at the door last night. A very nice lady is Carol. She lives in the next street with a chap who has a wart on his left knee called Steven. I'm not sure whether his knee or the wart is called Steven. Personally I don't give my warts names, I just give them numbers. I'm...
Victoria had more scans yesterday. She is now waiting for the physio to give her the all clear.
OO OUCH. Now there's a lesson I've just learned, never cross your fingers whilst picking your nose.
Hi, Victoria has no broken bones but last night at 10 pm she was moved to a different ward where she is to be checked for blood clots on her legs. At this juncture I must be honest and tell you that I am the biggest clot she has, :confused:....Last night Jack was poorly and I sat up with him...
Victoria has been cleared in that she has no broken bones. She does have to have more tests done to check for any soft tissue damage and she has to be checked by a physiotherapist. I have had lots of offers of help today including an offer from our new member Chuffer Enwright which gave my day a...
That is most kind of you to offer your help. If we do need your help we will gratefully accept. I don't know, at this stage, how long Victoria is going to remain in hospital. I do believe that she will be brought home in an ambulance. I will keep you informed of what is happening. Once again...
Victoria had some X-rays yesterday which were OK. She has to have her spine X-rayed today as she is in a lot of pain and cannot walk. Thanks for all your support, it means so much to us.
Sunday morning 6:30 and Victoria was in the garden feeding the birds. It was taking longer than usual. I struggled to the back door. It was very dark but I could see her flashlight where the Bird feeders are. She shouted to me that she had fallen. Unable to leave the house because of my...
I've checked my knees Chuffer and they do appear to be nobless. However, I do remember having my knees denoblified in July of 1911 two days before my 21st birthday. These days I am so old and bent that walking is totally out of the question so my wife has to wheel me as we did with the hoop and...
Good Day and Welcome to you Douglas. The first thing that I am wondering about is, is it alright for us to call you 'Chuffer' ? In the episode 'Whoops' I was quite aware of the likeness between Mrs. Enwright and Maggie Thatchero_O. How is the knee these days? Look forward to more of your...
Give it a viewing Barry. I like LOTSW very much but, to be honest, I prefer FOTSW which is much quieter. It's a pity there were only two series. It is about the young life of the boys and gives their story up to the start of WW two.
Sure was Barry. If I have done it right here is the link. :confused2:
If you are including the pilot Terry then you are right. ...... The 'pilot', plus 12 episodes of FOTSW and 3 episodes of LOTSW. Total.....16....... She was very good and should have been a regular in LOTSW.
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