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  1. Peripheral

    Maggie Ollerenshaw

    How many episodes of Summer Wine did Maggie Ollerenshaw appear in? Hey, can you answer this question without looking it up?
  2. Peripheral

    For Train fans

    These two pics would make an interesting observation test. If I may I would like to start it off with the windsock which is at a different angle in each picture. Some things are easy to spot. Can you see any?
  3. Peripheral


    It is so moving to see him go to his friend, Rob Burrows, and hug him. We were so impressed with Kevin's effort that we donated £20. MND is a terrible complaint. A few years ago, a friend of mine, died from It. It is so heart rending to watch someone's life dwindle away. If you can afford a...
  4. Peripheral


    Kevin Sinfield. He ran for 24 hours a distance of 101 miles to raise money for MND sufferers. The news has been full of it.
  5. Peripheral


  6. Peripheral

    The dream

    Last night was a terrible night. I had such a bad dream. I dreamt that I was cornered in my bedroom by, don't laugh, by Nora Batty. She was wearing a corrugated metal nightie which blended so well with her stockings. She had an evil come hither look in her eyes. She held out her arm and beckoned...
  7. Peripheral

    Football Fan ???

    Place names can be quite complicated, for example, who remembers what New York was called? Listen carefully and you will hear it's old name mentioned in this song. As a matter of interest, Rotherham United's football club stadium is called New York stadium. Small world ain't it?
  8. Peripheral

    What was the episode picture

    Hey Terry, that's another Google map picture. Has that scene been used in more than one episode?
  9. Peripheral

    Another tax?

    :p :42::D:D:D:13:
  10. Peripheral

    What was the episode picture

    By Heck, you are right 'wstol', it is a picture taken from Google maps. Well spotted. :37:
  11. Peripheral


    I'm in full agreement with 'wstol' on this one, 'A bicycle made for three'. :42:
  12. Peripheral

    What was the episode picture

    Interesting thought you have there 'wstol'. However, Terry does ask which episode we saw that scene in. Does a certain lady by the name of Marina flag him down?:p
  13. Peripheral

    Another tax?

    Well, today I have heard everything. Pay attention please while I update you on the latest news I heard this morning on the TV whilst indulging in my snakes toenail cereal. There I was, munching steadily when I became aware of the newscaster announcing that a certain someone was pushing to get a...
  14. Peripheral

    What was the episode picture

    I can't remember the episode but I'm sure that Barry was driving the car. I am confused by the number on the road, is it 68 or 89? :rolleyes:
  15. Peripheral

    Another loss

    Thanks for the link ferret. That was First class comedy. Considering that the show was on a pier, the appearance of a frogman on the stage was pure genius.
  16. Peripheral

    Carry on / Summer Wine

    I have watched the first Carry On film this afternoon. Does anyone know who was in that film and also appeared in Summer Wine?:confused2:
  17. Peripheral

    Another loss

    R.I.P. Lionel.
  18. Peripheral

    At long last, GOOD NEWS

    After months and months of bad news we at long last have some GOOD NEWS. News that I am sure the whole world did not expect to hear but will bring lots of relief to every parents heart. I am, of course, talking about Cleo Smith, the 4 year old Australian girl who went missing from a camp site...
  19. Peripheral

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Danny James, AKA Doggie Barnes
  20. Peripheral

    New member hello everyone

    Ant ??????......Anthony?