Search results

  1. Emma

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    RONALD Pillsworth, Marina's first love in "Afterthoughts of a Co-op Manager."
  2. Emma

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Marjorie. (politely spoken, then shouted by Seymour, into his automatic front door opening machine)
  3. Emma

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Jessop, (Francine). Blamire said he never went near her sand pit in the episode "Hail Smiling Morn, or Thereabouts." Series 1, episode 6.
  4. Emma

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    D'uh! That's me slapping my head. Thanks for the translation.
  5. Emma

    Be Quick,Complete series for under £15

    Yes, I saw what you were doing. I remember the Cockney accents of Miss Brahms and Mr. Harmon on Are You Being Served. Mr. Harmon once said "argy-bargy" and I had to Google the phrase. I love regional dialects in the US and the UK and I'll always be sorry I couldn't study linguistics in...
  6. Emma

    Be Quick,Complete series for under £15

    It's a good thing this conversation was in print. If it had been spoken - by a native Brit, there is no way I would have been able to understand. When I listen to some dialects, I have to infer from what's going on to piece together what is being said. A good example: I have never been able...
  7. Emma

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    A friend told me this joke years ago, and claimed that it was shared with her at a MENSA SIG (Special Interest Group) Meeting. Since that time, I've always thought the people who tell this joke were insiders of this super-intelligent elite group. Thanks for the smiles. I understood all of...
  8. Emma

    Be Quick,Complete series for under £15

    If anyone hears of this complete set being sold again - especially at this price, please let me know. Even with shipping to the US the cost would be worth it. I recently bought one of the 4 episode Christmas specials, and love it.
  9. Emma

    Hello, RickAns, I had a devastating accident a while back, and have been holed up in my house...

    Hello, RickAns, I had a devastating accident a while back, and have been holed up in my house for quite some time. Just now venturing out...
  10. Emma

    Hello from the U.S., Ohio

    Hi, I'm next door to you in Indiana!
  11. Emma

    Greeting from Northamptonshire

    Hello, after all this time. I am not a regular, and it has been months since I last logged in to this site. Years ago, I had a pen pal who lived in Northamptonshire. We met through Girl Scouts (US)/Girl Guides (UK), and I still have her address. She abbreviated her location as Rushden...
  12. Emma

    Happy Birthday Website

    Sorry, I went back to the main page and found the link. Donation has been made, and once again, thanks to you all for being so helpful.
  13. Emma

    Happy Birthday Website

    Hello, it has been a while since I last logged on. Everyone here has been so helpful since I joined the forum, I would be happy to make a donation if you would send me a PayPal link.
  14. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    ...for those abroad or unable to make the walk I thought I'd share just a few photos,Pete. Thank you!
  15. Emma

    Today's weather

    Looks like my photos didn't show up. I'll try again. P.S. Today's temperature is 1 degree F. I'll let you figure out the equivalent Celsius.
  16. Emma

    Today's weather

    It's 14 degrees F (minus -10 degrees C) in the frozen tundra I call home. Did I mention that I hate snow and cold weather?
  17. Emma

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks for the video. Special commercials, like this one, are only aired locally once each year. There is usually a compilation of international commercials which have gained some merit/notoriety, so I never have a chance to see your TV ads.
  18. Emma

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year from the frozen tundra of Midwest America that I call home. Right now, it is 16 degrees F, (-8 degrees C) which is quite balmy, and up from 6 degrees F (-14 degrees C). Everyone on this forum had been so kind, and forthcoming with information about one of my all-time favorite...
  19. Emma

    Another good program is ending

    Father Brown is a good program. I watched seasons 2, 3, and 4 that were broadcast here. The new season (Season 5) started last night. Season 1 never aired. I have to watch the season 5 episodes online through my PBS membership because it is on too late for me to watch, and I no longer have...
  20. Emma

    Another good program is ending

    Sadly, there will be no more episodes of "Last Tango in Halifax." The two-part Christmas episodes will be aired in the US on Dec. 17 and 24, and then it will be over. This is the same program that aired in the UK last year - and we (in the US) had to wait all this time, just to learn it will...