Search results

  1. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Thank you! These photos are amazing. I don't think any buildings here, locally, that existed in the 1900s are still around today. The photo with the cattle looks like one I took in Montana. I titled it "Rush Hour in Polson." No cars, but real cowboys on horseback, and cattle in the...
  2. Emma

    Recommendations anyone?

    Thank you. Those are absolutely gorgeous! That series has not aired in the US, or I should say not in my tiny corner.
  3. Emma

    Recommendations anyone?

    I knew the end was coming, but I'm still sad to hear this show will be ending.
  4. Emma

    Would someone identify this for me

    Yes, I have seen them several times. Some were on display at the Anheuser Busch facility in St. Louis, but they were just for show when you went on the brewery tour, and not the ones that parade. The posh breeders live in lavish splendor at Warm Springs Ranch in Boonville, MO. Their...
  5. Emma

    Would someone identify this for me

    This was my first laugh of the day. I read it at 5:20 a.m., and shot coffee out my nose! I'll have to remember not to read your posts while I'm drinking.
  6. Emma

    Would someone identify this for me

    Thanks for the info, since I know nothing about horses. I suppose they are similar to the decorations on our Budweiser Clydesdale's harnesses when they are dressed for parades.
  7. Emma

    Would someone identify this for me

    This item appears in several episodes of LOTSW. I have also seen it displayed in other British TV programs.
  8. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Thanks so much! You have no idea how much I have enjoyed looking at these photos. It looks like as close as I will ever get to visiting these sites in person, so it's greatly appreciated.
  9. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Great photos. Thanks for posting them.
  10. Emma

    What's your favourite episode?

    More than a year later, I found this post. Hope it's not too late to chime in. It's too difficult to pick just one episode, but the ones that are the most memorable for me are the trilogy honoring Compo's passing: Elegy For Fallen Wellies, Surprise at Throstlenest, and Just a Small Funeral...
  11. Emma

    Recommendations anyone?

    Those tiny, picturesque villages are unlike anything I have ever seen. There is nothing comparable here, in my neck of the woods. I would love to visit the locations where Midsomer was filmed, and Agatha Raisin, and Father Brown, and on and on. A friend showed me photographs taken in The...
  12. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    I don't believe I ever saw an episode that showed the structure I'm referring to, from the front. The image with Compo standing by some columns, calling Gloria, and the interior scenes from this episode, seem to have been constructed for filming on a TV set. So I don't know if the actual...
  13. Emma

    What's your favourite episode?

    It is a Beech Nut Gum dispenser.
  14. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Thanks for the clarification. I thought these buildings just housed the mill workers. I didn't know they were actually working looms on the premises. It would be great to visit this area. I tend to go a little crazy in yarn shops, and if locally produced yarn was available, I'd have to ship...
  15. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the reference material. I'm not sure why that particular structure fascinates me. It appeared in several episodes, and I always thought it was unique.
  16. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Oh, you're going to be sorry you asked. There are so many areas I would love to explore. There are several spots I would like to see, if I had the chance. One of them is no longer there. Another forum member posted photos of a dwelling that looked to have been dug into a wall. One episode...
  17. Emma

    Great Photo

    Oh, my. I'm almost 6 ft. tall. (My avatar looks nothing like the real me!) Guess I would have trouble with the leg room as well.
  18. Emma

    The changing face of rural...Holmfirth

    Pete, Thank you so much for these photos. You have a great eye for detail. I can't believe that you could find the exact spots, comparing new to old. Since it seems that I will never have the chance to visit LOTSW country in person, it felt as though you had posted them just for me. Thanks...
  19. Emma

    Recommendations anyone?

    A club I belong to travels to England each year. It's as if they want us to see everything in one trip, because we may never have another chance. And while this may be true, because many of us are up in age, they still cram too many stops into a very short time. I am too old to travel by bus...
  20. Emma

    Recommendations anyone?

    With a smile , I agree, tho Midsomer fills me with pause. I have often wondered how a sweet little librarian could write such grisly novels depicting people being bumped off in such hilarious ways. I love that series. The Rainbirds were my favorite characters. Thanks