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  1. amos hames


    No happyjack it rained
  2. amos hames

    Old Fogies Outing.

    I'm back in Holmfirth in 3 weeks, Cant wait
  3. amos hames


    Went to Wimbledon yesterday and had the time of my life. Has anyone else been
  4. amos hames


    Anyone ever get tv comic
  5. amos hames


    Whizzer and Chips anyone ?
  6. amos hames

    Peter Sallis R.I.P.

    Just seen this. R.I.P peter and thank you for many years of laughs and fun. Now reunited with Compo. Seymour . Foggy And Cyril to roam the hills in Heaven. A sad day
  7. amos hames


    Ha Ha.
  8. amos hames


    What was your favourite comic as a kid. Mine was called Look in that had loads of picture strips and features inside
  9. amos hames


    Has anyone been to Saltaire and what would you recommend to do. I know there is a boat trip that lasts half hour and the saltmills.
  10. amos hames

    holmfirth eating

    Can anyone recommend any other place than Hollowgate Fish shop to eat in Holmfirth as I will be returning in August
  11. amos hames


    someone get on the phone to Howard
  12. amos hames

    What's your favourite episode?

    When you take a good bite. Yorkshire tastes terrible . A fine episode from the Seymour era which my favourite clegg plays a great lead role. And the Bandit from Stoke On Trent for the obvious reason hence my username
  13. amos hames

    Manchester bombing

    Just want to take time to remember everyone who died in Manchester. God bless them all
  14. amos hames

    DVD release

    welcome aboard
  15. amos hames


    And Juliette Kaplan
  16. amos hames


    I follow some summerwine stars on Twitter. Tom Owen and Mike Grady
  17. amos hames

    Nora's Hats #1

    Always liked that Nora always kept hat on in indoor scences in edies
  18. amos hames

    Latest Cyber Threat

    i actually think this is worrying. Whats going to be hit next
  19. amos hames

    My Recent Trip

    looks great terry
  20. amos hames

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    nice one claye