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  1. toodlepip


    Welcome to the forum, Jo :)!
  2. toodlepip

    Peter who

    Yes Norm, I have got this Poirot CD too and I loved it. I gave him a copy and he had a very amusing time with it ;D. The She Loves Me musical is my favourite of his musicals, and he remembers it fondly too, though I think perhaps Baker Street brings up even fonder memories. But I prefer She...
  3. toodlepip

    House is on the market at last

    What a terrifying thought, selling one´s house! My parents built ours when I was about 3 years old, so that was 30 years ago, and the thought of selling it would be awful to me. Once the subject cropped up, they said it´s too big for us now since my grandparents died, and it´s true, it is too...
  4. toodlepip

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    That´s what I thought, Claye nailed Auntie Wainwright very well. Umm, can I put it like that? In German you wouldn´t say that... Would mean something different.
  5. toodlepip

    Peter who

    What still exists of the Ice Warriors is on Youtube! It´s just tagged incredibly uselessly. I put one of the parts near the end in my bookmarks, otherwise I would never have found any of it again: Have a look at this person´s...
  6. toodlepip

    Wallace and Gormit

    It sounds like a double to me, but a very good one indeed! And, hm, without showing off, I also suppose I would have heard about it if Peter had done this. But in theory he could still do it, it´s just the stress that´s too much now.
  7. toodlepip

    Wallace and Gormit

    No, I agree, I´m sure Peter won´t take part. But I have heard about the park, I´ll google it to see what it looks like.
  8. toodlepip


    I find it suprising too that nobody had any children, I mean, it wouldn´t have been necessary to actually write them into the show, they would all have been young adults anyway who could have led their own lives. It would have been possible just to mention them without actually showing them.
  9. toodlepip


    I don´t know Horlicks, nor Ovaltine, nor Milo :'(! But it´s a good topic, I also always wondered about the Horlicks in the gorilla episode. At least I have a vague idea what it is now.
  10. toodlepip

    How Do

    Welcome to the forum, Stevo, from another Cleggy fan :)!
  11. toodlepip

    We get some great evening Skies some nights

    Wow! I just wonder where all the stuff in your air comes from that reflects all that sunlight, I hope your air is clean! My mother said the other day that a famous painter used to paint such wonderful sunsets because in his time there was a huge volcanic eruption and all the dust in the air was...
  12. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday ****

    Thank you, Compo :)!
  13. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday ****

    Aw, thank you! You see, I wasn´t here either for a little while and missed your reply also :).
  14. toodlepip

    The perfect come back

    Here is a Cleggy one for you ;D! My mother got a new pair of boots for me a few weeks ago, they were horribly expensive before, but they had knocked off more than half of the price, but they were still expensive and look really grand. I usually never buy such things, I always save up, but these...
  15. toodlepip

    Belated Happy Birthday, Rhi!!!

    Happy Birthday, Rhi! :) I wasn´t on the forum yesterday, so I missed the day. Oh, umm, I didn´t get the wrong date, did I :-[? I hope not!
  16. toodlepip

    It wouldn't be allowed today

    Yes, that´s the way it goes. You know, we all wear leather trousers here, yodel, drink beer and eat Sauerkraut and Bratwurst ;D. I don´t do one single thing of all that and still I´m German :D. It´s the cliches. I just wonder what determines what becomes part of a cliche and what doesn´t. I´m...
  17. toodlepip

    Happy birthday Blueprintz

    Happy birthday! Gosh, two birthdays in one day, April isn´t doing too badly here :).
  18. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday Chunky Rumbelow

    Happy birthday, have a nice day! :)
  19. toodlepip

    Confessions of a Newbie

    I completely agree with Norm, Elmc and Ron-po :D. I´m a huge fan of the old episodes too and the characters´ characters ;D. I liked them best in the early years too.
  20. toodlepip

    weather 2

    We had wonderful weather yesterday afternoon, 22 degrees, I couldn´t believe it! Today started fine, but then went cloudy and we got some rain. South Germany got 29 degrees yesterday! I think I have never worn my warmest winter coat and 3 days later no jacket at all!