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  1. toodlepip

    on ebay

    200 quid :o? Wow!!!
  2. toodlepip

    This Horse meat Saga

    That is correct, horse meat is actually higher quality meat than beef. The trouble with this scandal here is that there are illegal substances in it as well, such as medication. But I think it´s much too little to harm anybody, it´s just that the declaration was wrong, and I agree, fine them and...
  3. toodlepip

    In shock

    What a relief!!! Congratulations and all the best! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  4. toodlepip

    My internet and phone keep breaking down

    Aww! And I´m sorry to come back to the topic again, lol, but tonight it happened again, internet and phone went down, the phone still is. My parents and I are using the same unit or whatever you call it, so my father called them with his mobile, was on hold for 10 minutes, was then told that the...
  5. toodlepip


    Snowing hard here right now, they said it´s the New York blizzard that has reached Europe, but tomorrow it will turn into rain.
  6. toodlepip

    It always Looks Nice.....

    It´s snowing here right now as well. And I think I need my own advice, I think I´m starting a cold *sniff sniff*.
  7. toodlepip

    This Horse meat Saga

    They funny thing is, we do actually eat it here. Only very little, it isn´t common at all and most people certainly never had it, but I know that it is popular in my area, sort of. I wouldn´t like to have it though, horses are almost pets to me.
  8. toodlepip

    My internet and phone keep breaking down

    Yes, I noticed that too, but didn´t say anything because I also found it amusing :D.
  9. toodlepip

    This Horse meat Saga

    I think we have just joined the club, it seems they have discovered illegal horse meat here as well!
  10. toodlepip

    In shock

    Thank god, minxie!!! I keep my fingers crossed for him and your niece!
  11. toodlepip

    It always Looks Nice.....

    Wonderful photo!!! We are also in for snow again tomorrow, we´ve got tiny bits left since last week, but not much. Rhi is right, Terry ;D, but I have read something interesting against colds a few days ago. Sounds like a joke, but it said you should put Vick Vaporub (or whatever you call it in...
  12. toodlepip

    Random thoughts

    Good god ;D! How many yards is it by now?
  13. toodlepip

    My internet and phone keep breaking down

    LOL, so this is how you get from your telephone to plimsoles! No, I didn´t smack anybody, but it seems they have found out there is a problem, and even better, probably as well what it is. But at the moment I´m online as you can see.
  14. toodlepip

    In shock

    I have crossed everything for you and your family, minxie! Courage, and faith!
  15. toodlepip


    Ferret Come Home, I only watched it a few days ago.
  16. toodlepip

    Winter Bug

    I see, it seems this is only the top of the iceberg.
  17. toodlepip

    Winter Bug

    Is it to do with the horse meat problem that you just mentioned elsewhere?
  18. toodlepip

    Winter Bug

    Being hungry is the best sign you´re on your way to a speedy recovery. But the last thing you want to do now is to eat food that has gone bad in the freezer...!!
  19. toodlepip

    My internet and phone keep breaking down

    Just to let you know in case I vanish for a few days, my phone and internet are playing up at the moment, have been for the past few days already, but only for a few seconds, but last night it was all gone for hours and will probably happen again. Technicians are only available on Monday, so I...
  20. toodlepip

    You couldn't make it up!

    I just googled and found out we have actually 6 different species´of snakes in Germany, two of which are poisonous (two adders), plus blindworms (neither worm nor snake of course, but a legless lizard). I have seen something once, probably an adder, but can´t remember now, only that I was...