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  1. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    Yes, I have it good, many don't. About 2 months ago ( which I didn't tell you all, sorry) I knocked my head. I was working in my shop and I guess I raised up too quick and walloped my head. I don't remember what happened, in fact, I don't remember anything that happened for about 20...
  2. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    Exactly, Most people,here at my work, simply go without insurance and hope they don't get sick. If they do, then they go to a "walk-in clinic" and just pay cash for the services. Doctor's visit runs about $150-$300 and then if you need a prescription that would be extra. Some pharmacies...
  3. WesleyRocks

    Sunsets Near Holmfirth

    Me too Maltrab !!!! Someday, I hope
  4. WesleyRocks

    Another health update

    George,You're the best, my friend. I'm fine with it being my fault. I'm praying it goes away for good!!!! :respect:
  5. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    My wife took the job she has now because of healthcare. We'd just had our first child and she lost her job(downsizing), she took a huge pay cut but we had free (except the co-pay) healthcare. It has been good, she started at ground level and has moved up in the company and now is sort' of a...
  6. WesleyRocks

    Should I - should I not?

    Wifey and I share a facebook account, she does all the "facebookin" and then briefs me on everything. I'll post stuff at times, mainly about riding adventures. I've heard good and bad, bad mainly about their security, Someone hacked our account once and it sent all our friends an apple...
  7. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    Your supposed to wash your hands????? :biggrin: No way, that just adds taste and helps build your immune system, least that's what I tell the wife. :42: I grew up on Colby Longhorn cheese, I eat German bologna (because it smells bad and my kids won't steal it while I'm not looking) and...
  8. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    Well all, I turned down the position. If you want to know more, PM me. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. Take care, Wesley
  9. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    So, just a quick update. I have been "qualified" for the teaching job. I'm about to leave to and meet with the Tech Principal, Assistant Principal, and the Principal of the high school where I will be teaching. Not sure what the meeting is about, but they worked very hard to get me qualified...
  10. WesleyRocks

    July 2014 ask brendalovescompo

    So...... since you work for GM, do you drive a GM car?
  11. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    I'm with you Adanor !!!! Back to white bread for me!! I like a brand called Sunbeam, so good and moist. Wife doesn't, she said it sticks to the roof of her mouth, heehee I do like homemade bread as well. Just as Barmpot said, my mother's homemade bread was great. I buy homemade sub rolls from...
  12. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    What is a sarnie?
  13. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    Never knew such a thing. I normally each a sandwich for lunch, but the bread is not very thick and I put lots of meat and cheese on it. Although, now I'm eating wheat bread, blah!! Supposed to be good for us or something. Blah!! Tastes awful.:mad: I love learning the differences between US...
  14. WesleyRocks

    Happy Birthday Sheree

    Happy Birthday !!!!!:respect:
  15. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    I've been watching the series through and I just watched The Waist Land. In the show Compo says he has a cheese sandwich with a bit of mustard. 7:11 mark on the Youtube version. Anyway, is that for real?? That just seems like a very large slice of cheese? I've eaten cheese sandwiches before...
  16. WesleyRocks

    Frozen Turkey Man.

    Yes, you can definitely tell at times when stuntmen were used, but even when Nora would grab Wally and make him go inside she would jerk him around a bit. Or when they would run from Ivy. ( can't think off the top of my head right now of other instances) but, there were times that you could tell...
  17. WesleyRocks

    Frozen Turkey Man.

    This brings me to another point(sorry age mention Sarkus), even at their age, the boys were very ??? let's say, flexible?? I'm going through the series again and I just finished "white's man grave" I'm amazed how they can act that "physically" at their age. I hope I'm that limber when I'm their age.
  18. WesleyRocks

    Frozen Turkey Man.

    Greenfingers is one that I show to non-SW folks. I get a kick out of that one!!!!
  19. WesleyRocks

    July 2014 ask brendalovescompo

    How are the sinuses? I need that done as well, but I hate surgeries (due to having them) and I refuse. I have a hard time breathing from the left side. Bad when I get a cold and the right is stopped up :D