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  1. Elmc

    M$ Windows 10.0 to be FREE!

    Don't be embarrassed. Chuck. Keep XP pro. I'm not going near 10 till I have to, kicking and screaming.
  2. Elmc

    House number 15

    Excellent, yes . . Crums. When they chase Howard there is a stairway up and the number 15 is painted in white with a circle around it. I can only presume it is for the postal lads and ladies.
  3. Elmc

    House number 15

    There is a chase scene.
  4. Elmc

    House number 15

    Our three boys and Nora are in the scene.
  5. Elmc

    House number 15

    Not the one I am thinking of Dick. We see the number 15 indicated but not the door or the person living there.
  6. Elmc

    House number 15

    In which episode do we find the number 15 posted for a house ( I think ), but we don't see the house? Nor do we see who resides there. It is a special.
  7. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    . . . there were a full MOON. A bit to bright for ferreting.
  8. Elmc

    New BBC Comedy

    Pearl, I just watched some of The Wrong Mans . . . it is actually very good. Just 2 minutes so far, lol . . haven't seen dawn French yet, love her.
  9. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Was it one of those KILLER canaries?
  10. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #18

    Well, I don't know how to start a thread, so I will use this. There is a door that obviously ( to me anyway ) has the number 15 on it. But . . we never see the door and don't know the person it belongs to.
  11. Elmc

    New BBC Comedy

    ok, Terry, I watched about 30 seconds of Crim . . you are right. But I like this exchange . . Wait a minute, I can't look after you 7-11. It's 24/7 That sounds more do-able.
  12. Elmc

    Has the world gone mad??

    Where was it? At the Dorchester? Wasting the court's time.
  13. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #18

    Thank you very kindly. Can I put one in? Door number 15 . . . I have two specific clues, but I will leave it for now.
  14. Elmc

    Hello Everyone.

    Good luck to you, Amos. Sending good thoughts your way.
  15. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

  16. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #18

    Then it has to be the Postal Lady. Edie's niece gets married. Groom has cold feet.
  17. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    . . . smashed out of your TINY mind.
  18. Elmc

    Snow returns

    Wow, Ferret, thank you for the pictures.
  19. Elmc

    Another Trivia Question

    Spring Fever?
  20. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    . . a course in silent KILLING