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  1. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    You didn't know a bird named FRAGRANCE!
  2. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    No names! You can call me X-22.
  3. Elmc

    From Special Appearance to Regular Cast Member

    Oh, I liked Alvin. and Billy. Don't like Hobbo . . too whimpering.
  4. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Do not poke me in the VICINITY of my nipple !
  5. Elmc

    Series Twenty

    Yes. Codfangler, I agree about the bit with Nora and Billy. Good stuff . . hey, we say, she is still female. lol
  6. Elmc

    Still Honest People Around !

    Remarkable. Hope that clerk still has a job.
  7. Elmc

    Not Happy Birthday

    Ask Terry how to fix, I had the same thing happen.
  8. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Can't tha' get a QUIETER brush?
  9. Elmc

    Still Open All Hours

    Chuck, do you mean the actor who played Father Brown in the series? I can't get the new Open All Hours. Have the set of the old one with Ronnie B.
  10. Elmc

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    You said that just right, Brenda. Thanks.
  11. Elmc

  12. Elmc


    Pearl, isn't that what Nora said too, when sending Smiler off. lol
  13. Elmc

    i'm still around.

    Be well, Amos. I'm sure we all look forward to more good reports. Happy New Year.
  14. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    rolling EILEEN Watkins
  15. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    DOREEN Tattersail
  16. Elmc

    RIP Jeremy Lloyd

    Yes, Happyjack . . this happens a lot. I am against ANY vaccine now. Whether it be flu, hpv, etc. There is something called The Greater Good and it is evil. Let food be your medicine the Greek said.
  17. Elmc

    Christmas Special Trivia #14, 15, 16 for Christmas Day

    Well 16 is the first episode we see Auntie Wainwright . . ( what the devil is its name? ). Our three take over 'security' for the shop. At the end there is a party with all the cast and Nora presents Compo with a hat that she ( presumably ) knitted. " Oh. I loved her in the . . . . " Love...
  18. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    my AUNTIE Connie's canary.
  19. Elmc

    Sybel's Knitting.
