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  1. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    permanently knotted YOYO
  2. Elmc

    Sorry for absence

    Hang in there, Amos. " Keep up the good work and all that rot. . . what." Okay maybe that sounds daft when an American says it.
  3. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #16

    Dougie's second hand store?
  4. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I saw Charlie Parblow. I haven't seen him for YONKS.
  5. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

  6. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I have no REGRETS, I make no apologies. It was all done with the noblest of intentions.
  7. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    GREEDY little GOBLIN !
  8. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    BOG off !
  9. Elmc

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

  10. Elmc

    Series Thirty And Thirty One.

    Proper ending?? There was nothing proper about it. And it wasn't an ending. Two cops holding their pants/
  11. Elmc

    Tinkers Monument.

    sorry 28 steps Sorry for stepping on this thread, don't know how else. I loved reading this.
  12. Elmc

    Series Thirteen.

    How did we go from Series 28 to 13?
  13. Elmc

    Series Thirteen.

    I thought it was an awful bit at the ATM.
  14. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #14

    The three of them as Father Christmas . . collecting?
  15. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #14

    The dogwalkers episode.
  16. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #14

    Good guess .. is that it?
  17. Elmc

    From Who made a bit of a Splash in Wales then?

    lol . . Terry. Thank you. How did Compo go all that way without a pint?
  18. Elmc

    Door Number Quiz #14

    Pearl and Howard's
  19. Elmc

    Series Nineteen

    and what about . . "Of course, I could be lying."
  20. Elmc

    From Who made a bit of a Splash in Wales then?

    How long is that drive they took? Anyone know?