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    Contemplating custom plate

    FOGGY and CLEGGY were both still untaken and available. As was BOG OFF and BEGGAR.
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    The music thread

    Not really a song per se, but an excellent analysis of what make the music posted on this thread so much more memorable to us that grew up with it.
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    Contemplating custom plate

    Varies but about $64 USD first year. A little less to renew. Customizing one of the specialty plates brings it down to $51 it seems. It's an expensive vanity plate (some U.S. states are cheaper) to be sure.
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    Contemplating custom plate

    One I'd love to do but I don't think anyone around here would recognize (or appreciate in Pearl's case : )
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    Contemplating custom plate

    Vote for your favorite. There are limited character to work with (“I”, “Q”, and “U”, are not available) so EY UP, and a few others I wanted are not possible. 1. 2. 3.
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    R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

    Bad guy (pyromaniac) in Backdraft.
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    Who is this?

    You got it!. I have no idea though where they sourced the picture. Wondering if there's any trivia (a director or stagehand brought one's an actual actress, etc). My research is, the world will never know. Either way Mike tells Bobby he doesn't have to hide it but no mention is made of...
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    Who is this?

    Seen only for a few seconds. Never to be seen nor mentioned again.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Howard's a big James Taylor fan. Particularly, Up On the Roof for some reason.
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    Another Trip to Holmfirth!

    Wow! Did not know about this shop. Looking it up online. Good stuff and hope you're having an enjoyable time! Even has a warning just like Aunty's!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Woollenmills of Your Mind
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    New Roy Clarke Interview

    Some VPNs work. Some, the BBC let's you know they're "onto you". Best to look for plans that have a free trial period just in case. So is this older or Roy Clarke still doing interviews?
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    Oh, NICE!
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    Do you Tweet?

    I do not tweet as Aunty rebuked what I say is twaddle!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    ROYAL Variety Performance.
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    New Build

    Ironically my son just returned from Cincinnati with parts for his latest build. He and his friend had it put together in short order. I think the real fun though is in the trip to the store and running up and down the halls. It's like geek holiday camp.