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    Summerwine shop up for lease

    Wonder what kind of daily traffic they have?
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    Flood anniversary

    WWII, correction to that typo : )
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    Flood anniversary

    This flood is discussed in some of the Summer Wine books (which is how I learned of it). Thought this was interesting. Happened the same time WWI was underway including D-Day. Yikes!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    I prefer the more Rounded tones of Mister Blamire.
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    Summer Wine Decanted

    I imagine resources that help viewers and fans dig deep will always be a hit!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    The and Mavis Poskit.
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    The music thread

    Wow - totally impressed!
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    The days soon go

    Too much "just like his father" lines from Nora Batty and other tie-ins set him up too much and inhibited individual character growth. I'm sure there was pressure to "fill the void" but in hindsight they probably should have just identified him as Compo's son and after that let Tom be Tom.
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    If you can't stretch to the boxset.....

    Back when it was up I stared at it for longer than I'll now admit. What was that, Java or something?
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    Secrets in your Data

    Aired on U.S. public broadcasting show Nova. Please let me know if this can be viewed in UK. Vital and interesting information!
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    I am posting via Linux

    A good site for those wanting to peruse the many flavors of Linux operating system out there. Feel better soon Terry!
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    I am posting via Linux

    What distro?
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    You can see why they Moved

    Doesn't look safe next to that rail.
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    The music thread

    The first time I ever heard of Elvis Costello was watching this "false start" performance on Saturday Night Live as a kid. Not sure why it's at an angle but it's the only one I could find. As one commenter said, Don Pardo intro, false start, and scorching Radio Radio. Then they walk off the...
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Ey up, Vicar!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Who's That with Barry and Glenda?
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Somebody's got to think about things. And who's got more TIME than we have?
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    A Funny from my old firm

    A Cooper and Walsh moment for sure (they probably would have fainted).