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    TV within Summerwine Land

    Does anyone know who was singing "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" on it at the time?
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    The incredible shrinking quality streets

    More environmentally friendly, I suppose.
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    The Junction Inn

    Was that the one in Three Men and a Mangle, where they met Eli and Frank?
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    Hollowgate 1989

    Most people can play DVDs, although it's mostly streaming videos these days.
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    Hollowgate 1989

    I'm not sure many people would have had video recorders in those days to take advantage of the video shop, would they?
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    Time Capsules #9

    A skateboard.
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Santa has three types of elves: Elf and Safety Elf and Efficiency National Elf
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    1982 Holmfirth Backwaters

    I'm imagining Compo, Clegg and Seymour chasing Howard when he was dressed as the imposter Father Christmas.
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    Time Capsules #8

    Edie's car keys to remind her she's still alive after her mother's terrible driving.
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    I see what you're saying, now you come to mention it. Perhaps its health and safety rearing it's ugly head!
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    A lot of comedy came from bicycles, or the way the characters used bicycles, especially in LOTSW and Granville's bike in OAH
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    Summerwine folk and Animals

    Wasn't there one called Archie?
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    Time Capsules #4

    An invite to an over 60s tea dance (signed "Mrs Jack Attercliffe")
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    Time Capsules

    Various hand-written war stories.
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Why was my next door neighbour worried about her late husband? He should have been home ages ago!
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    See the car, name the episode.....

    It's a Bedford HA. Post Office Telephones (and later British Telecom) used them.
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    See the car, name the episode.....

    Marian and Ted's van in A Quiet Drink.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Old AGE children (as opposed to old age pensioners)
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    Name Episodes #1

    Why does Norman Clegg buy Ladies Elastic Stockings. I think he rode it up Seymour's drive after the electricity man had zoomed out..