Search results

  1. I

    One Time Only.

    Douggie, the second hand-shop owner who sold Clegg the metal detector and Compo his new trousers. He seemed to be an early version of Auntie Wainwright, the way he sold things the customers never wanted.
  2. I

    One Time Only.

    I think he was mentioned.
  3. I

    One Time Only.

    Annie Aubrey and Dave O'Cogden the traffic warden in Northern Flying Circus. Also the pub customer in the same episode, who gets his hat knocked off by Compo.
  4. I

    One Time Only.

    Also Gordon, who worked with him.
  5. I

    One Time Only.

    All the ladies that Compo showed his matchbox to - except Miss Moody, Ivy and Nora Batty
  6. I

    Wesley's Inventions, Repairs and Modifications..

    The mobile salad-strainer was a good one.
  7. I

    Summer Wine Intro Song

    With most TV shows, the theme music and titles are made just once and reused for most episodes, but as all the Summer Wine opening and closing titles are unique, I believe the theme must have been specially rerecorded for every episode, to suit location of the scenes, timing, script etc. As far...
  8. I

    One Time Only.

    How's about both bus conductresses in Forked Lightening when the trio try to take Clegg's bike on the bus. (Which, incidentally, is the same bus both times)
  9. I

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

  10. I

    One Time Only.

    Thanks Barry.
  11. I

    One Time Only.

    A very obscure one here. I'm going to say Alan Bell as I believe he had a short "blink and you've missed it" appearance in Extra Extra. When Nora was watching Compo attempting to ride the horse, she turned to him and said "That's my neighbour"
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    Who Lived in

    I thought that was Atherton Street. Am I wrong there?
  13. I

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Atherton Street
  14. I

    jokes bad or otherwise.

    What price do roof slates cost? Nothing, they're on the house! I won't tell you about the blunt pencil. There's no point.
  15. I

    My Homage To Last of the Summer Wine

    I don't believe a photo of Nora Batty would scare random women as much as the contents of said matchbox did. IMO, I don't think we were/are ever going to know the real contents.
  16. I

    One Time Only.

    So Andrew Wightman won't count then. I'll still count the other man with him.
  17. I

    This AI thing needs work

    Well, I never noticed that. Just shows even AI gets things wrong!
  18. I

    One Time Only.

    The two men from the religious group in Beware of the Elbow? I'm in two minds whether they appeared in two separate episodes, as I seem to remember them in an anonymous street somewhere getting bored with one of Foggy's war stories, as well as outside Clegg's house.
  19. I

    Would you attend a Candlelight Supper?

    Thanks Barry. I will have to watch that one soon.
  20. I

    This AI thing needs work

    Which AI generator did you use Onslow?