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  1. I

    This AI thing needs work

    I tried "Last of the Summer Wine trio" and finished up with these. I think Marina came to join them...
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    One Time Only.

    The space watcher man in Welcome to Earth. Also, Max Bernard the film director in Extra Extra. I can think of quite a few more, but I'll give the rest of you a chance.
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    They are called "twitchels" in Nottingham, where my Grandparents came from. We call them "cut-throughs" in South Lincolnshire.
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    Would you attend a Candlelight Supper?

    Well, I would attend on the condition Hyacinth and Richard came to tea at our house to see how the "normal" working class people do things. Incidentally, did we ever see a candlelight supper in progress or being organised and, if so, which episode was it?
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    Patricia Routledge Night BBC4

    Will there be anything about Hetty Wainthropp?
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    The music thread

    Anyone like to guess the rest of it?
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    Lets go round Again.

    Policeman: Wainwright "B" Mrs..... Compo: That sounds like him. Policeman: .....and G.A. Mr - 10 Westlake Gardens
  8. I

    The music thread

    Talking of songs that Compo sang: There's one in the Glory Hole when Foggy tells Compo he's in charge of entertainment. "There was a man who had a wife and she was double jointed etc." Was that a real song too, or something Compo made up on the spot?
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    Lets go round Again.

    Charlie Harris: He's not wearing a tie! Compo: Show me the rule Shag-basket. Show me the rule that says where I've got to wear it!
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    I wonder what became of these young ladies....

    All the times the show has been repeated on various TV channels, (Gold, Drama, Yesterday etc.) I'd imagine someone might have recognised them, or they had recognised themselves.
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    Lets go round Again.

    Regarding Compo. Blamire: He's still calling for me in broad daylight. Clegg: Tell the neighbours he doesn't belong to you. You're just looking after him for somebody.
  12. I

    Where were they

    Lucky I've still got a branch of our bank to put it into my account!
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    Brown or Red sauce

    Either or, just depends what I fancy at the time. Sometimes one down one half and one down the other.
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    Where were they

    Wow, I won one.
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    Married & Divorced

    I seem to remember in both episodes the wives were called Lydia, (as mentioned in the dialogue) so it might have been the same character, just with different actors.
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    Spot in the Shop

    There are also some baked beans in the far bottom left of the window behind the cauliflowers. They look to be disguised Heinz's made to look like an anonymous brand.
  17. I

    Where were they

    The new Mobile Trio. The road safety exhibition was in Percy Street. It also appeared to me to be the same place as the dinner dance in Short Back and Palais Glide, when they met Charlie Harris.
  18. I

    New Mobile Trio

    I wonder if any Summer Wine fans will buy it, perhaps someone from our forum? A great piece of history to add to a collection.
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    Spot in the Shop

    Heinz soup. Looks to be Tomato, but with so little showing, I could be wrong. There also looks to be Kenco coffee in the jar with the red lid next to the Shreddies.
  20. I

    Spot in the Shop

    One a week is plenty.