That's it, Chicken & Mushroom. I knew that! I think the taller one at the back may even be a King Pot Noodle, which are a larger size then the regular ones..
But if Compo disappeared off to Reggie every Thursday, it would have raised questions from the others about where and why he had been going. I wonder how he would have explained it to Clegg, Foggy, Nora, Ivy etc.?
That's true. I mean, if Reggie had been Compo's "Thursdays" for years, why would we have not heard of her before, or at least known he had a "Thursday" ladyfriend?
I believe it was in a Moonlit Junkyard. Howard was out "jogging" and Foggy tells him to get a rhythm going and stick to it, then he was nearly run over by Babs's motorbike.
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