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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    ARNOLD Street
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    Spot in the Shop

    Some more Pot Noodles immediately to the left of Granville's head.
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    Spot in the Shop

    The jar with the gold lid behind the box of tomatoes looks to me like Nescafe Gold Blend coffee.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    OGDEN Butterclough
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    Spot in the Shop

    That's it, Chicken & Mushroom. I knew that! I think the taller one at the back may even be a King Pot Noodle, which are a larger size then the regular ones..
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    Spot in the Shop

    I think they are chicken & vegetable, as they are in green coloured pots.
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    the Compo passing away trilogy

    But if Compo disappeared off to Reggie every Thursday, it would have raised questions from the others about where and why he had been going. I wonder how he would have explained it to Clegg, Foggy, Nora, Ivy etc.?
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    I've often Wondered

    That's true. I mean, if Reggie had been Compo's "Thursdays" for years, why would we have not heard of her before, or at least known he had a "Thursday" ladyfriend?
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

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    Just some undersized, scruffy little twit.

    I can't see it on Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
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    It's "scone", as there's an "e" on the end, which means you should elongate the middle vowel. And it's margarine in our house.
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    I believe it was in a Moonlit Junkyard. Howard was out "jogging" and Foggy tells him to get a rhythm going and stick to it, then he was nearly run over by Babs's motorbike.
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    Was it in this area where Compo, Clegg and Blamire first rode Billy Aubrey's motorbike, sending Blamire freewheeling down the hill?
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Thanks Barry.
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    Did you hear what happened when the apple pie was sent to court? It got remanded in custard-y!
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    LAST of the Summer Wine
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

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    Summerwine Olympics

    Foggy could try Silent Killing.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Billy Hardcastle was a DIRECT DESCENDANT of Robin Hood