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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    JULIETTE Kaplan
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    I'll have no further remarks about my bosom. How would you men like it if we talked about your bosoms?
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Regarding a ride in Wesley's Land Rover. Compo: Guess who will be freezing in the back. Foggy: Somebody's got to be in the back. There isn't room in the front for all of us.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Mrs AVERY
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    MABEL Stoddard. Somewhere in America, with blue hair.
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Clegg: It is with great pleasure Ivy, that I present you with the Norman Clegg alloy spoon for mouth manoeuvres.
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Regarding Compo. Mr Wainwright: When I heard I was being transferred back here, I used to indulge in a little dream.......That he might have emigrated, or stumbled into the path of an articulated vehicle.
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    Quotable Arkwright.....

    Hey! You haven't paid for your B-B-B-Braddocks B-B-B-B-BullD-D-D-Dog B-B-B-B-Bra-a-a-a-and. Oh, forget it, you can keep it.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Bickerdyke's extremely VICIOUS dog
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    The Kink in Foggy's NIBLICK
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    The Big Steam Adventure

    We're watching too. Really enjoying it so far, but we enjoy many shows of the genre. (Would it be "Travel and Adventure"?)
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    Holmfirth was just the perfect location

    But, it was in Yorkshire. IMO More things in Yorkshire are a success, Emmerdale, Where the Heart Is, Heartbeat etc. If it had been filmed in Kent, Surrey, Hampshire or Cornwall It wouldn't have been so well liked, or continued for so many years.
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Regarding Billy Ingleton. Foggy (to Compo & Clegg): I don't know what you're laughing for? If he can't go on, you'll have to do something. We've got an audience coming.
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    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    GLENDA Wilkinson
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Clegg: I wonder why the Lord made us with spouts like a kettle? Why not a small drain plug for instance, in both feet?
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Wesley: I'm busy. Edie: What are you so busy with? Wesley: Would you believe, a canoe. Edie: What on earth are you doing with a canoe! Wesley: My feelings exactly, but you know what your Seymour's like when it comes to taking "no" for an answer. Edie: (in her posh voice) Well, I can only assume...
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Compo (to Shep) You must be mad, wanting to strangle poor little innocent kids! Use your pole, what do you think it's for?
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    After buying three buns from Ivy. Clegg: (to Compo) Where's your bun?! Foggy: He's eaten it. Compo: They're dead easy are buns.
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    Your favourite quotes from Last Of The Summer Wine. I'll begin

    Glenda: Will you wait in the car Barry. All the ladies together: Yes, wait in the car Barry.
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    Here's a random question

    I've never owned a computer tablet or Ipad. I always use a laptop.