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  1. E

    The deepest, highest, longest canal tunnel in Britain

    Thank you, what an interesting video! Certainly not everyone's cup of tea to be sure, but growing up in Missouri, we were always going to cave tours. My Jr. High school even took us down in an undeveloped cave for 48 hours straight, spelunking and camping underground. It was quite an experience.
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    Clegg Relatively Remembered

    Don't forget Aubrey, who came to visit. I think the Vicar relation was supposed to be his wife's and may be based on his conversation in the pilot about borrowing books, combined with a conversation later on about the Vicar visiting on Sundays. I don't think there was anything really concrete...
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    Did Pearl Preempt Lockdown????

    I can imagine Howard worried and depressed that Marina would see him as "non-essential"
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    Did Pearl Preempt Lockdown????

    I can certainly see Auntie Wainright selling Howard and Marina a pair of WWII gas masks and other bio-hazard gear. Compo would have reacted to the "stay 6 feet apart" mandate as the "Torries" interfering with his love-life. I can imagine Seymour inventing "full-body masking", and Foggy would set...
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    Desert Island DVD's

    I heartily applaud this question, which was harder than I expected it to be. 4. Waiting for God - The first British comedy I saw that delt with real issues at the same time as comedy. I was impressed. 3. Barney Miller - I was a child when I watched the original airings, it was very funny, but I...
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    My Recent Trip to Holmfirth

    I agree, it would have been great to see Crusher involved more in the other's shenanigans like Sid had been in earlier episodes. Sometimes I wonder where Roy Clarke got some of his inspiration. With Crusher there is a lot in his mannerisms (although thank goodness NOT in his character) that...
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    The Howard and Pearl we could have had

    Very interesting! In his book, Peter Sallis mentions the play, he says Brian Wilde didn't want to do it, that he did it for two years, and Bill Owen for three. He indicates there was a fill in for the character of Foggy, but he doesn't name him. He mentions Jan Butlin as the director and...
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    Guest Stars on OUR SHOW......

    I enjoyed Nicholas Smith in A Short Introduction to Cooper's Rules. I wonder if Peter recommended him for the part after his superb job as the unhinged Reverend in Curse of the Were-Rabbit a few years earlier.
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    What does Foggy’s “That man” mean?

    I agree, it's all about emphasizing seniority and rank. My guess is that officers would probably see such an endless procession of young men that it was pointless to learn all their names, and it may not have been encouraged to view them, or allow them to view themselves, as individuals rather...
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    Getting Warmer

    We wouldn't survive here (Texas) without air conditioning; we had a heat index of 111F yesterday and its unlikely to drop under 100F during the day for at least the next week or two. They've instituted a burn ban and may declare it a drought. We do what outdoor chores we can early in the morning...
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    53°34'02.6"N 1°44'09.3"W

    I'm not absolutely sure, but I think the location might have been used in "Brushes at Dawn" I was watching it last night and it looks sort of like where everyone was sitting watching the duel. Congratulations! Great to know the land is staying in the Last of the Summer Wine Family so to speak.
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    What's in Compos box???

    It must be something alive since he's feeding it flowers in Flower Power Cut. My guess was a centipede. Do centipedes over there not bite? We have millipedes with many short straight legs that do not bite, and centipedes which have long bent legs that stick out to the side and can give you a...
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    Interesting article in the news today

    Very true, and I would think constructing a true dry-stone wall is a quickly vanishing skill. Once when I was watching Gardner's World Monty had someone demonstrating "laying a hedge" it was amazing how much skill and work was involved. So many old arts and skills are disappearing, stonework and...
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    They don't do any better on this side of the pond. I hope things improve for you, so very glad to see you back.
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    Interesting article in the news today

    I wonder just who this "Sue" person is to get some poor fool to move all that stone for her to take a picture. That would be a lot of work!
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    "Say when"......

    Probably when the characters would have been young, sugar would have been a harder commodity to get, now they are older, it's become common place but still carries a sense of luxury.
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    A Bicycle Made for Tight Jeans and Metal Detector

    My guess is that Roy Clarke was going for funny, not continuity. I think even some of the cast had opinions on that. I read somewhere about Mrs. Tewson expressing concerns about her character, but I don't remember the details. I think Clegg refers to previous episodes a couple of times late in...
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    Filming location

    Was it used in Keeping Britain Tidy, where they finally roll the car over in the end? By the way, wasn't that Lugg from Campion in that episode?
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    Sid's Cafe reopens in the 17th

    Here in my corner of Texas you wouldn't know there was a pandemic. Very few people have been wearing masks at any time this year anywhere, and the eating establishments have all been going full tilt for ages. A few stores do not have their fitting rooms available or public water fountains...
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    Massive Brain Block Over Joe Gladwin!

    I remember watching it regularly, but the odd thing about it is it's not the comedy I remember, or the edgy issues of the day. What made the biggest impression on me was, as much as they irritated the dickens out of each other, in the end they had each others back. Regardless of how they talked...