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  1. E


    Great recommendation, if not for the cartoon itself, the great talent involved. Arnold Stang (Top Cat) and Marvin Kaplin (Choo-choo) may be remembered along with comedian Jonathan Winters as the three nut-case gas station attendants in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Rick, I love Hong Kong...
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    I cheated and looked it up too. Yes, that's a lovely show. The songs from it are available online. They sound like they are having a great time. By the way, there is also an audio recording of Peter Sallis reading an audio book of Postman Pat available on YouTube. RickAns! I never realized that...
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    One Off Barmpots!

    Ron Moody in Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure. I get the impression the cast really enjoyed him being there as well.
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    Did they run out of Lights

    Well, maybe not deliberately, but that sort of thing is really fun to spot. Like the wall that seems just a few feet outside of the cafe door in early episodes but is nowhere in existence in exterior shots, and in "Greenfingers" when the entire phone partition clearly constructed of painted...
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    RIP Dennis Waterman

    New Tricks was great, and he was great in it. He also sang the theme song I believe.
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    Lol or cringe moments

    Some of my favorite bits are Foggy's fantasy about being the official walker to the Royal corgi's, Clegg's story about Hitler and the Ovaltinies, People dying from decency in the Turkey Man episode and Wally's immortal line "It's going to be a long time between drinks if I have to deserve...
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    Did they run out of Lights

    Were there instances where they used the actual interiors of places on location? Maybe they had to do so and there was no way to light the scene in the same way as they would have done in a manufactured set.
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    More than one Nora

    It would be interesting if the Men's group dressed as Howard, I believe that was one of his schemes in one episode. It's really very interesting how diverse cultures develop similar customs. Growing up I had extended family who were American Indian (Plains) and was able to attend some...
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    The beard

    So happy to have you back and posting Peri! I vote you keep the beard; it looks quite handsome. Adding visual interest to the ceiling is not as farfetched as it sounds, here they put pictures, or even flat screen tv's on the ceiling in dentist offices. I think it's a missed opportunity for...
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    Who lives in a house like this??

    What do you have to do to get kicked out of woodworking? I suppose the person who put up that plaque was at a loss how to fix it to a stone wall without a little extra torque. An old handyman taught me to use a masonry bit to drill the hole, then cut a green twig from a tree just the same...
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    Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

    It's been ages since I've seen that. All I can imagine is a connection to the episode "Welcome to Earth". Otherwise, the giant recreation of Devil's Mountain in the back yard sounds like a tactical exercise worthy of Foggy.
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    The 30 seconds that many of us might miss ??????

    I used to record episodes on my VCR ages ago and no matter what, it always cut off that end bit.
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    Can I try again? You say it's a line NOT said in an episode, so it has to be one Peter narrated. Is it "Whose made a bit of a splash in Wales?"
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    Could it be from one of the audio recordings of the episodes? I could of swore it was in The 30's car/The New Mobile Trio.
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    Famous Names Dropped in the Show

    Compo calls Blamire Joe E. Brown while they are competing in Clegg's biggest mouth competition.
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    I think it's illegal to gig frogs now days, but we always fried them. More to your point though... Once upon a time the powers that be where duty bound to ensure that what was offered up to the public was educational, informative, and/or entertaining. This is because TV is an outgrowth of the...
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    Famous Names Dropped in the Show

    As usual I can't remember the name of the episode, but there is one in which they are outside and Clegg uses the phrase Jimmy Riddle however, instead of Jimmy he says Nelson Riddle who of course worked with Tommy Dorsey and Nat King Cole.
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    Full English Please Ivy!

    I can't think of the episode's name, but the episode in which Foggy orders his family crest I think he goes to talk to Ivy about setting up his Baronial breakfast, which sounds to have all the same trimmings as a Full English. I concur with Stephen; I am suddenly hungry.
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    Sid's Cafe and "N.R.BEALL"

    I dont know where I got the idea but I think Ivy indicates in an episode that the buisness used to belong to Sid's father. So, maybe Beall can be Sid's last name but the N.R. could be his father's initials.
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    The mystery of the missing pets.......

    Blamire took his landlady's dog for walks, and I think I remember Clegg once saying, "That's what they said when I had to give a pill to the cat."