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  1. E

    Laurel & Hardy

    RickAns! you beat me to it! Thanks for posting the clip!
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    Laurel & Hardy

    My favorite custard pie fight was in The Great Race from 1965 featuring Tony Curtis, with a small part played by a young Peter Falk. As for Laurel and Hardy I grew up watching them as a child, the one I remember most was called The Home Wrecker. Before I was born my dad, who liked to draw...
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    Sid's Relationship with the Trio

    Remember though, he didn't want Ivy to know about the scuba diving and didn't want them to talk. He also was probably embarrassed he was seen.
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    Sid's Relationship with the Trio

    I think this is true, Roy Clarke would have wanted to show the contrast between the married men's lives and our three main characters. It also opened up a lot of plot lines that he wouldn't have been able to utilize otherwise. Without that flexibility it would have been hard to keep going so long.
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    Sid's Relationship with the Trio

    I really enjoyed Sid as well. I think, and I may be wrong, that it's indicated that he was a little younger. He didn't share any military history like the others. It seems he inherited the business from his father so there may have been residual class differences. Also, I'm not sure if it's true...
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    The covid mask

    Here very few people are wearing masks, if they do, they wear them pushed down under their noses prompting you to wonder if anyone knows how breathing actually works. Personally, I think it's a wonderful opportunity to make faces at people without them knowing. Was it the movie The Producers...
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    Yes, he played a pig farmer! Joe Gladwin is in an episode as well, I'm not sure if it's the same season but he is right at the beginning of the episode that he is in. Such a recognizable voice.
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    Cyril Blamire

    I really liked Blamire. Although I have never seen Michael Bates in anything else, what I appreciated was that, despite playing a fairly opinionated and domineering character, his acting was very subtle, a glance or a gesture can be as important as a good line, I think that is lost in modern...
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    The suit that turned left

    I may be reaching here, but the phrase "to turn left" usually means something has taken an unexpected course. In the beginning Howard and Clegg compare window cleaners, Howards is more expensive, but he lives on the edge, he has everything neatly figured out. Or so he thinks. Pearl is his...
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    Hello everyone

    Thank you all for your warm welcomes! Peri, my real name is Audrey, I am a lady, and not one of great stature, so the land generally has the best of me. We also have chickens and ducks and a stocked pond. It's a lot of work, but I am thankful for it, in these days of lockdown and isolating it...
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    Hello everyone

    Hello all, and thank you for having me. As a non-member I have been lurking here an embarrassing length of time. I have always been reticent of computer communities and social media. I’m not sure if it’s still called social anxiety when it extends to interacting with one’s fellow beings on a...