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  1. W

    Who Else

    We`ve now got rain this part of Linc's.
  2. W

    Old Newspapers or Magazine

    No, it was another Micro with similar memory but had quite a lot of differences.
  3. W

    Old Newspapers or Magazine

    Dragon User for the Dragon microcomputer back in the 80s. I even wrote a couple of articles for it.
  4. W

    Bridget Forsyth

    I think she was quite down to earth. IIRC my grandad once had a chat with her at a bus stop.
  5. W

    Do we need ChatGPT on the forums? - POLL

    I just asked Chat GPT why it`s so thick and it said ask those who programmed it
  6. W

    If a book could tell a story

    Compo: Inside my matchbox and other animals
  7. W

    Compos winter Warmers

    Quick Google search and the first result is this for anyone who can knit:
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    Compos winter Warmers

    Shame it doesn`t come with a holed jacket :-)
  9. W

    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    It is a source of wonder why Mariana was interested in Howard, but I guess that`s part of the comedy.
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    That Matchbox

    There was an episode he showed it to Clegg who just made an exasperated expression.
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    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    IIRC there was a joke about orgasms in one of the very early series.
  12. W

    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    Good post. I see the characters as comic archetypes, and know that Roy Clarke was influenced by the tough women of his youth who had to keep husband's in check from going to the pub too much etc. If you dig too far into the characters the point is missed that they`re there for humour despite...
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    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    I think she lives with her mum, so perhaps that`s why Howard couldn`t go there.
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    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    If you were to look at it seriously then Howard is obviously a scheming git, but the situation with him and Pearl isn`t meant to be taken seriously. If you look beyond the humour then other funny sitcom characters aren`t nice in some ways. Del in Only Fools and Horses can be selfish, Hyacinth in...
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    Summer Wine Decanted

    I suspect the rejection from EastEnders was a polite cover for the real reason because they`ve used other famous people before like Barbara Windsor, Mike Reid and Wendy Richard. Anyway, I thought the Mrs Avery character was ill-judged and was certainly glad to see her written out, though a...
  16. W

    The doghouse beckons..

    Howard had contracted foot in mouth disease.
  17. W

    Bit wet here!!!

    Even though we live in one of the driest parts of the country it`s been chucking down here all day.
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    Nora Batty

    Gormless and dull.
  19. W

    Sticks of Rock and Cheeky Postcards

    I live a few minutes drive from a seaside town but haven`t been to many others recently. Some of the coastal towns on Anglesey and North Wales are nice.