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  1. mikey1965uk

    Favorite Tipple

    When I gave up alcohol, drugs and smoking back in 1989 I was introduced to a alcohol free beer called Kaliber. I nearly threw up. It was absolutely disgusting and smelled and tasted of rotten butter beans. Absolutely vile. I stuck to fruit juices and coke cola after that. Talk about traumatised...
  2. mikey1965uk

    Favorite Tipple

    My buddy Fiona said it was nice sooooooooo.......and it is. I've been told it's actually a plus health wise to have a tiny bit of alcohol. Something to do with cardiovascular health or summat :cool:
  3. mikey1965uk

    Favorite Tipple

    Up to a few months ago I'd been T total for 35 years. And then started to have a couple of small Jack Daniels and Apple juice. Didn't want to get drunk or anything but just to feel that warm whoosh you get from a JD. Very nice. I won't make it a big thing but I thought I'm getting older so damn...
  4. mikey1965uk

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Sir. William 'Compo' Simmonite :cool:
  5. mikey1965uk

    North Yorkshire

    This made smile. My late uncle jim was a Yorkshire man through and through, loved Rugby...a certain type which I can't remember and held awesome new years parties. This just reminded me of him. One of the few people I held in esteem. What a decent man he was...
  6. mikey1965uk

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Ivy (What was her second name)...:16:
  7. mikey1965uk

    Fetch a Cheque book

    16 Bedsits :42:
  8. mikey1965uk


    No such thing as a thick or stupid question. My dad said to me decades ago, a genuine question (AKA A QUESTION) is a quest for knowledge so how can that be stupid. Obviously if someone asks something obvious then it's not a question it's a wind up, a joke etc.
  9. mikey1965uk


    Poetry in (TRAIN) motion.
  10. mikey1965uk

    "What makes water wet? I mean, why does it feel different to dry" - Compo.

    Yeah. Via air....I believe :44: Our breathing like fish breathing is a particular chemical/physical reaction where elements that are used are harmonious to sustaining life. I'm no chemist or biologist so...just a guess, memory of school books etc.
  11. mikey1965uk

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Pegden, Wesley and Edith :cool:
  12. mikey1965uk

    "What makes water wet? I mean, why does it feel different to dry" - Compo.,5753,-1725,00.html#:~:text=Water%20is%20wet%2C%20in%20the,are%20rather%20loosely%20joined%20together.
  13. mikey1965uk

    Summer Wine A-Z Game

    Norman 'Norm' 'Cleggy' Clegg ;)
  14. mikey1965uk

    Yes, it's a steam train in the USA.

    Would you need to be armed? That would be a food delivery truck to a Grizzly :fp:
  15. mikey1965uk

    Yes, it's a steam train in the USA.
  16. mikey1965uk

    Gilt edged Barmpot.

    'Gilt Edged Barmpot' hahaha I use it now and then and people within my vicinity either laugh or look at me like I've transported there from the 1930s :21: I absolutely love the phrase.
  17. mikey1965uk

    Gentle Comedies

    Quintessential English Gentleman ;)
  18. mikey1965uk

    New Mobile Trio

    That's the general consensus anywhere these days unless you find a nice gap on a quiet back street. But beware the ghost of Pearl doesn't welcome such folk :fp:
  19. mikey1965uk

    New Mobile Trio

    Somebody somewhere will get a fatter wallet.