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  1. me2

    Fun Quiz Question #1

    Close, Marianna. When Clegg reads the letter from Blamire saying Foggy will be on the bus, Compo explains to Clegg, who Foggy is - "Great, long, gormless streak from Arnold Crescent. His mother wore brown boots. He were always on traffic duty. Blue uniform, white face. Looked like a pencil...
  2. me2

    Name Some Episodes #8

    The Heavily Reinforced Bottom
  3. me2

    Name Some Episodes #8

    Here We Go Again into the Wild Blue Yonder
  4. me2

    Name Some Episodes #8

    In the service of humanity.
  5. me2

    Actors who played multiple characters over the years

    Your link got me curious, so I checked it out. Some of them are a little misleading and just show the different ways they are credited for the same part - such as Kathy Staff as Mrs. Batty, Nora, and Nora Batty. Or Jean Alexander as Auntie, Auntie Wainwright, and Aunty Wainwright. But it also...
  6. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Just remembered another one. Nora and Ivy laughed up a storm when they managed to pay Compo back by taking his trousers off him in the cafe kitchen in "And a Dewhurst Up a Fir Tree."
  7. me2

    Sad News from Rod Tickner (Barmpot)

    So sorry to hear of your loss, Rod. But rejoicing that she is at peace and with her Lord and Savior.
  8. me2

    Name Some Episodes #7

    When Barry decides to go back to golf, Auntie misses the sale to Glenda for uniforms for a ladies' supporter section and a club song (on sale because of the tricky high notes).
  9. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Just watched "The Miraclous Curing of Old Goff Helliwell" and Nora smiles when talking to Tom and comparing him to Compo.
  10. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    I think that was "The Pony Set."
  11. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Extra! Extra! When she talks to Alan Bell and when she thinks Compo is riding the horse.
  12. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Crums - at the Christmas party.
  13. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Edie and the Automobile - A little grin when she finds Wally at home with the whippet after she looks all over for him - but he needn't think anyone missed him.
  14. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    This is at the end of "Spores."
  15. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Elegy for Fallen Wellies
  16. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    Last Post and Pigeon
  17. me2

    Name some Episodes #6

    The Last Surviving Maurice Chevalier Impression
  18. me2

    Name some episodes #5

    The Man Who Nearly Knew Pavarotti
  19. me2

    Name some episodes #5

    I had wondered the same thing.
  20. me2

    Name some episodes #5

    That's Not Captain Zero