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  1. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #18

    Hey, Terry. You're getting adventurous in your fills. Good job. Also tricky choosing that episode.
  2. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #16

    You are getting tricky now. There is one little piece remaining that might be a clue.
  3. me2

    Jane Freeman

    After doing a little Google searching, I found Sarah Siddon was born in the same county [Brecknockshire (Breconshire)] where the school is located. The Sarah Siddons Society (No apostrophe) was founded in 1952 in Chicago. It appears to be about presenting awards, not on doing performances. I...
  4. me2

    Jane Freeman

    Stage has posted this obituary making it sound more real. Obituary: Jane Freeman Actor Jane Freeman, who has died aged 81 by Michael Quinn - Apr 12, 2017 Although Jane Freeman will forever be associated with the redoubtable cafe owner Ivy in Roy Clarke’s long-running The Last of the Summer...
  5. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #13

    Yes, it's easy to spot if you compare the pictures, but would be hard to guess on its own.
  6. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #12

    The number 15 in a circle is missing from the post by the steps.
  7. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #11

    Look's like the light fixture by Clegg's door is missing.
  8. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #10

    The chimney on the right is missing.
  9. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #7

    The items on top of the car are missing. Cans or something.
  10. me2

    A Little Picture Quiz #5

    This one was a real challenge. I had to compare to the original to find it. Well done Terry. There's nothing to suggest something is missing there. Good luck to those still looking.
  11. me2

    A Little Picture Quiz #1

    Edie's watch is missing. I recognized the scene in Crums when Edie is asking Wesley where they went wrong with Glenda because she wanted a Water Bed.
  12. me2

    A Tale of Two Sweaters

    It has been posted on a Facebook site, but I don't know if you can access it or not. Here is the link:
  13. me2

    favorite one-off characters

    I think that was "A Tale of Two Sweaters."
  14. me2

    Used More Than Once #1

    In "Getting Barry Higher in the World," they are instructing Barry to run holding the kite string. Barry asks how far and Seymour answers, Never mind how far! We'll say when it's far enough.. Then Clegg smiles and says "Don't forget to write!"
  15. me2

    Uncredited "mystery woman" in Last Post and Pidgeon

    Like I said, I don't know how to insert pictures and I obviously messed it up. But I'm going to leave it rather than make it worse. Hope you can figure out what I mean.
  16. me2

    Uncredited "mystery woman" in Last Post and Pidgeon

    I think I remember someone saying the blonde woman may have been the winner of a contest and the prize was to be a guest shot on the show. At any rate I don't think that woman looks like Janette Scott. These are pictures of Janette - the first from the internet, no date - the second from "There...
  17. me2

    Think on

    Thanks for that wonderful overview of flying. I wonder if Adanor heard the same news story I heard. I didn't listen closely but they were talking about something happening that would wipe out all Cell Phone, ATM's, etc. They said it would affect airplanes too as they would have no contact with...
  18. me2

    Give us a fag..

    Give us an old fag, and if it'll make you feel better, I'll smoke it out me ear 'ole.
  19. me2

    Characters that are "REAL" as opposed to being acted.

    Sarah was recently in the stage play "A Murder Is Announced" an Agatha Christie mystery. Judy Cornwall (Daisy in Keeping Up Appearances) played the part of Miss Marple.
  20. me2

    Great smiles from these two legends.

    Yes it is from "Here We Go Again into the Wild Blue Yonder. It was when Foggy said "A Dewhurst knot is an unshakable knot." He then flicks the rope he has just finished tying and it falls off Compo.