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  1. gothic

    Impressed with Royal Mail (for a change)

    I'm quite staggered! I ordered myself a (very very) late Christmas present of an Apple iPad. I ordered it yesterday (Monday 23rd) at 8.15PM I got the notification email at 9.05PM that it had been received by Preston MC at 9.00PM About ten munutes ago I got the email (Tuesday 24th) that it is...
  2. gothic

    If you know who Robert Zimmerman is you'll probably want to read this!

    New film to be released early January on Bob Dylans early rise to fame, and it looks promising.
  3. gothic

    For Gordon Wharmby fans

    This may well be old news, but I have only just found the article in The Guardian ©2002 about how Gordon stumbled into being one of my favourite characters.
  4. gothic

    A quicky for Terry

    Thought of you as soon as I saw this
  5. gothic

    You expect me to take how many?

    Up until about 2 years ago my daily medication was easy and simple..... 2 blood pressure tablets in the morning and the same in the evening.... Then it seems that every month since, the Doctors added another tablet to the list, and the image below DOES NOT include the two new medications I...
  6. gothic

    It's arrived!

    We got our first very light dusting of snow this morning. Turned to rain now though.
  7. gothic

    Filming in my home town

    They've taken over half of our car park, and started pre-prep for their filming today and tomorrow. Some show called "Beyond Paradise" If I'm up town later (to get my prescription from Dr. Barnecutts the bakery) I will try and get some more piccys as they will be filming right outside the bakery.
  8. gothic

    Guess who I spied!

    Watched an early Poirot tonight and spied a familiar face, can you see who it is?
  9. gothic

    James Earl Jones

    Luke Skywalkers Father, Actor James Earl Jones, one of the most recognisable voices in the World has passed away aged 93 Please God rest his soul A very sad loss.
  10. gothic

    Happy Birthday Website. 23 today

    It's the 23rd Birthday of our website. :01: :01: **^^<::01: :01: To think we've been around and attracting new people all this time is amazing, a great achievement. Terry is poorly and he asked me to post on his behalf but the Birthday wishes are definitely from both of us. p.s. Terry, get...
  11. gothic

    Minimum Height?

    I have always thought there was a minimum height to join the UK Police force.... this piccy shows that I could have been mistaken.
  12. gothic

    Taming Farcebook

    This shows my Facebook page every morning, exactly the way I like it!
  13. gothic

    A feathered funny

    Made me giggle
  14. gothic

    Cool Neck

    Terry, I'll show you mine if you show me yours..............
  15. gothic

    Must be summer hols....

    Oh NOOOOoooooo! All the recently released from education mid adolescents running around on their highly (i)legal mopeds with the bloody baffles removed :( Sounds like a convoy of sewing machines... Hhrum-ding-ding-ding All day. Even the double glazing can't stop the noise.
  16. gothic

    A new, alternative Mac web browser

    I am keeping a very close eye on the development of the new, independent (yes, really) web browser for Mac and Linux users...
  17. gothic

    R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

    Another of the great actors leaves us. Very sad loss.
  18. gothic

    I know parking slots are tight but......
  19. gothic

    R.I.P. Sir Andrew Davis

    Sir Andrew passed away today. For me and thousands of other classical music lovers and especially Last night at the prommers he was simply the best. Tonight I will be digging out my recording of Last night at the proms from 1992 and listen to him singing his conductors speech May his soul rest...
  20. gothic

    Anyone else remember those "Little Chef's"

    Though I have to admit they could never replace the traditional transport cafe (Truck Stop) in my affections