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  1. Amos Hames 2

    Go Ahead punk. Make my day

    Said Clint Eastwood. Any fans ?
  2. Amos Hames 2

    Chocolate dreams

    Are you a Milk. White or Dark chocolate kind of person
  3. Amos Hames 2

    Another Game

    OK let's see how this goes. In a similar format to the episode game we can have anything but the next answer still has to begin with the last letter. All answers obvious must be connected with the Summerwine land . For instance if I start with Amos Hames the next person could have Scarborough as...
  4. Amos Hames 2


    Rewatching First of the summer wine right now
  5. Amos Hames 2

    Episode game.

    Here's a bit of fun. I'll say an episode. Let's say for arguments sake Forked Lightning. The next person has to name a episode beginning with the last letter of the episode title so in this case. G. So I'll say Greenfingers and so the next episode has to beginning with S . Have fun with this one
  6. Amos Hames 2

    Its never 15 years

    Since our favourite show ended. So glad it lives on through this wonderful site and repeats and of course DVD. No show will ever be like it. Still as fresh as day 1.
  7. Amos Hames 2


    Never got the buzz of fishing but love the Mortimer and Whitehouse series
  8. Amos Hames 2

    Fig Rolls

    Does anyone actually like these vile things
  9. Amos Hames 2

    Happy Birthday Sir David Jason

    Would love to have seen him in a Cameo in Summerwine anyway its his 85th Birthday. Your favourite David moments please
  10. Amos Hames 2

    Four legged friends

    Name any episode that features a Dog or Dogs . I'll start with All that Glitters is not Elvis
  11. Amos Hames 2

    TV within Summerwine Land

    How many times did we see a TV or anyone watching TV during the shows run . I'll start with when Compos TV was taken away in one of the first episodes
  12. Amos Hames 2

    Its bonkers

    Easter Eggs were on sale yesterday. Unbelievable. It gets earlier every year
  13. Amos Hames 2

    Whos the best Batman

    For me it's Adam West. No one comes close
  14. Amos Hames 2

    Mulled wine

    Does anyone actually like the stuff. I'm not a fan personally
  15. Amos Hames 2


    The price of stamps these days. Chuffin heck
  16. Amos Hames 2

    New year Resolution

    So what do you think the Characters new years resolutions would be . Your thoughts please
  17. Amos Hames 2

    Pigs in Blankets

    A Staple on my Christmas menu. Anyone else
  18. Amos Hames 2

    When do you.

    Put up your Christmas tree. If you have one or even like Christmas. I'll probably do it early December.
  19. Amos Hames 2

    Dunkin Delight

    Which is the best biscuit for dunking in your tea. Mines a Rich Tea or Digestive
  20. Amos Hames 2


    What are your feelings on Fireworks. Should they be banned or are they just a bit of fun. Your thoughts please