Search results

  1. Marianna

    Hometown EarthCam

    Here's the EarthCam of one of the best city squares in the country, in the city just down the road from my home village. You'll need to copy the URL and paste it to a new tab.
  2. Marianna

    Where's Howard?
  3. Marianna

    There's something new with every viewing!

    After having viewed A Short Blast of Fred Astaire umpteen times, last night I noticed an elf attached so it appears to be climbing the wall of Nora's house. It's at the top right of the frame, just over Nora's head. Colorful like a garden gnome, but cute and fun, in great moderation. I believe I...
  4. Marianna

    Crowcroft Challenge?[0]=AZWe-FKQnpZ9tpeklPphT1NIg3f6LA70dlzpS9SmGBdpUkrJT_jVzahHu0qwzrT39CKwG-MddUvRQR64HuKI5S_FIqlaxXRg-pNy8WgQnCvg3jO4t1wSu9a1BVw0IWIoj99aho5QTBKKl1JFRPTR_CsKXBqiwXvIiv2Xfs1CvqN6V0AmRlbk5ZvCb6-z3-bglp8
  5. Marianna

    Another Power Failure!

    Kept me offline for about 18 hours. We had the worst wind and rain in my experience yesterday evening, and I thought I'd seen it all. A mature tree uprooted and landed on the front porch roof of the house across the street, causing only superficial damage. I didn't see it happen because I was...
  6. Marianna

    Arkwright inhabits my brain!

    When I make my daily pot of tea (Assam loose leaf) before I add the tea Arkwright asks, "Did you warm that pot?!" Crikey! I'm not Granville, and anyway he had always pre-warmed the pot.
  7. Marianna

    What do you call a round bread roll? I've read that in Nuneaton and environs it's called a "batch". Now I know what current and former residents mean when they write on the Nuneaton Local and Family History Facebook page about a few...
  8. Marianna

    AWOL but on the mend

    Apologies for my absence. On November 24th I was taken to hospital with severe loss of strength in the legs, brain fog, and what was diagnosed as failure of the right kidney. As soon as the diagnosis was made, I was rushed into surgery for a stent to “open up” the kidney. In a nursing home...
  9. Marianna

    Sad News
  10. Marianna

    First of the Summer Wine cinema

    The restoration work is nearly complete, according to the BBC news feed on Facebook...
  11. Marianna

    Mouse (the character in "A Quiet Drink", not the rodent)

    I've been watching I Didn't Know You Cared. Larry Noble, the actor who played Mouse, turned up. His first appearance was in Series 1, Episode 3, "The Old Tin Trunk", then in Series 2, Episode 2, "Chez Us". He's also listed in Episode 4, "A Signal Disaster", but I have yet to view that one...
  12. Marianna

    Stanhope Arms - setting for How Not to Cry At Weddings

    Remember the Stanhope, where the wedding guests met the bus? It had been a hotel and pub, then it fell on hard times, probably because of the tiny population of the hamlet of Dunford Bridge, where it's located. It's at the end of the Trans-Pennine trail, where the multi-use path transitions to...
  13. Marianna

    Happy New Year!

  14. Marianna

    World War II Pigeon Service

    In First of the Summer Wine, during the lead-up to the war, Mr. Clegg (Peter Sallis) read in the newspaper that the British military was going to use homing pigeons. He didn't think much of the idea, and in that show it was just a passing bit of dialog. I just finished reading a novel based on...
  15. Marianna

    Snow Dogs

    I had wondered what I was seeing in the Holmfirth webcam image. Thanks to Facebook, now I know. See What's on in Holmfirth, posted by Kate Fielding at about 8:28, BST.
  16. Marianna

    Michael Aldrich's former house This is from 2019, and who knows how many times it had been redecorated since he and his wife lived there, but it's still possible to see that the house has good bones. Edit to...
  17. Marianna

    Has anyone noticed how tardy the Holmfirth webcam is?

    It hasn't changed since around lunchtime yesterday.
  18. Marianna

    Sid's Cafe reopens in the 17th

    Announced on Facebook
  19. Marianna

    For train buffs

    This is near my home, a bit east of here. My area got only about 2 feet of snow in that storm.
  20. Marianna

    Wallace and Gromit

    Only one of the clever scarecrows displayed throughout Holmbridge and photographed by a visitor for others to enjoy.