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  1. me2


    My son found this article and said "Maybe Howard really did find Stoneworm."
  2. me2

    Nora's Hats #1

    Having trouble with the picture. Will try again later. Edited, image path is wrong.
  3. me2

    Most Expensive Cream Cake

    Was just watching "Magic and the Morris Minor" when Auntie Wainwright orders Ivy's most expensive Cream Cake. Ivy serves the cake on a plate with a napkin and a knife. Is this normal over there? We would serve it with a fork. Not sure if she was expected to cut off bites and then pick it up...
  4. me2

    Who's That Dancing with Nora Batty Then?

    I was watching "Who's That Dancing with Nora Batty Then?" and heard Clegg call Compo "Willy." I'd never heard that before. Does anyone know if he ever called him that in other episodes? I went back and listened again and found Compo referred to himself as Willy Simmonite.
  5. me2

    Favorite Intro of Third Man

    We've had a lot of discussions on who you liked as the 'third' man in the series but this question is about the episodes introducing them. Which episode, introducing a new third man, did you like best and why? I've only included the third men grouped with Compo and Clegg as the dynamics...
  6. me2

    Trivia Question

    Here's a trivia question for you. Who is the only summer wine regular who was credited for doing the choreography for one of the episodes?
  7. me2

    A Double for Ivy

    I watched Variations on a Theme of the Widow Winstanley last night and noticed they used a double for Ivy and I can't figure out why. Near the beginning of the show, Entwistle is working on her electrical connection for the Christmas tree. Ivy (a double really) is at the window finishing up...
  8. me2

    Edie's Comments

    We heard Edie tell Glenda to "Drink your coffee" many times. A few times she gave a different comment. Tonight in In Search of Childlike Joy and the Farthest Reaches of the Lotus Position, I heard the one "Fasten your seat belt" used because they were in the car and no coffee to drink. (The...
  9. me2

    Coffee Morning

    We all know the official place and origin of the Coffee Mornings was at Edie's house. (We won't count the episode where Nora and Ivy plan for Compo's comeuppance.) That first official Coffee Morning was in the episode The Experiment. Different people hosted Coffee Mornings at different times...
  10. me2

    15 Times - but never seen

    What person was mentioned 15 times in a single episode, yet we never saw the person?
  11. me2

    Ages - final appearance

    We've looked at the ages they were when they started. Who was the oldest regular cast member in his/her final appearance?
  12. me2

    Ages - Youngest

    A question about who was the youngest regular cast member to join the show would be too easy. So taking Glenda and Barry out of the equation, who would be the next youngest in their first episode?
  13. me2


    Most of our Summer Wine characters were not spring chickens when they started on the show. Which character was the oldest when they appeared in their first episode? (I will accept two answers because we don't know the exact film date and I had to go by the air date and two characters are so...
  14. me2

    Something I Noticed Tonight

    In "Oh Shut Up and Eat Your Choc-Ice" Edie goes on an on about Glenda's wedding with the lemon accessories when Glenda wanted Pink. Here's the conversation: Wasn't our Glenda's a beautiful wedding? Full white, and lemon accessories. I wanted pink. The lemon was beautiful - everybody liked it...
  15. me2

    What Episode did we see

    Clegg biting his fingernails?
  16. me2

    Coffee Morning Trivia Quiz 1

    We all got used to watching the coffee mornings and see someone get the best pastry, usually a chocolate éclair. Edie won at least 3 times. In which episode did she win and get cream all over her nose?
  17. me2

    In which episdoe

    In which episode did Edie serve tea to her guests in white china with delicate pastel flowers. Hint: One guest had a wine glass instead of a tea cup.
  18. me2

    Edie's China

    A while back I surprised everyone when I called Edie's china the Elizabethan Staffordshire's "English Garden" pattern. My daughter-in-law had discovered that was the pattern. Before that we all thought it was the Royal Albert "Old Country Roses" Collection. Later I discovered that the "Old...
  19. me2

    Squeaky toy

    Last night I watched an episode where Pearl picks up a squeaky toy, (a bear or a kitten or something). and gives it a couple of good squeaks. Can you guess in which episode this took place?
  20. me2

    Synchronized Drinking

    We've talked about the Women's Coffee Morning and the synchronized drinking of the coffee. Then we discovered a couple episodes where the men did the synchronized coffee drinking. Last night I watched an episode where the women were doing the synchronized drinking but one man also did...